"Of course I would, it would just be very jarring."

"It would. I don't think I'd want your muscles anyways. They look better on you."

"I appreciate the compliment." He beamed and led you off of the elevator and into your living room.

"(Y/N)! Thank god you're done with training!" Saffron squealed and leapt off the couch to yours and Toshinoris surprise.

"Morning, Saff. What's got you up so early?" You asked as she enveloped you in a hug. Usually it was impossible to get her up before ten without at least a weeks notice.

"It's here! Your outfit is- ew, you're both so sweaty. Anyways, your outfit for the interview is ready!"

"Oh, that's cool." You smiled. You were pretty uninterested in the outfit, but were willing to pretend if only to make Saffron happy.

"Aren't you super excited to see it?! It's been killing me all morning since they delivered it! You have to try it on before we go to the prison. Please?"

"Can I shower first?" You asked, admitting to yourself that you were sweaty.

"Yeah, but make it snappy! I might just take it out and steal it for myself."

"Alright, alright. I'll hurry."

Toshi chuckled and shook his head, heading off in the other direction towards his bedroom.

Saffron followed excitedly behind you as you made your way to the bathroom.

"Uh- are you gonna give me some privacy or?"

"I've seen you naked already. Get over it!" She rolled her eyes.

"At least close your eyes until I get in the tub!" You argued.

Saffron groaned. "Alright! Whatever you want! You know, girls see each other naked all the time. It's just normal."

"I really don't think it is, Saff." You pointed out. She spun around and dramatically covered her eyes as you discarded your clothes and slipped into the tub.

"Are you trying to imply that I'm weird?" She asked.

"Kind of. Is wanting seeing everyone naked a normal thing for Americans?" You scoffed as she turned back around. She perched herself on the spacious tile ledge of the tub next to your towels and stuck her tongue out at you.

"I don't want to see you naked, I'm not that big of a pervert. Plus, hate to break it to you but your bod is nothing compared to Camillas. I'm just tired of everyone going out of their way to be super modest. It's such a waste of time and effort ." She smiled. "When I lived in a sorority back in the states we were practically nudists. We were in our underwear half the time because we just didn't care and we were too lazy to wear clothes. You have so much more time to do stuff when you don't worry about modesty! I'm pretty sure my roommate discovered the cure for cancer in the buff."

"That's a really bizarre line of logic. Also, I'm not sure whether I should be offended or not by your Camilla comment."

"Don't be, (y/n). She sets the standard too high. The only thing you should take out of that is if you stop wearing clothes you might find the cure for cancer. Oh! I'm getting an idea for my next book."

"You constantly amaze me, Saff." You chuckled in disbelief as you shook your head.

Once Saffron had allowed you the privacy necessary to bathe yourself, you towled off and headed into your bedroom, where she was waiting with a large garment bag in hand. It was mostly black, but the center was split in half by two vibrant streaks of orange and pink. The center of the bag boasted the garments designer in bright, bold lettering.

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