But once work's over and I give her the finger and a big old, "I'm going to shit in all the food you serve," I do feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Now I'm in front of my monitors doing a Just Chatting stream.

"Chat, what are you spamming? 'Watch Minecraft Championship'? Oh, yeah, aren't they getting to the end now?"

I pull up Dream's stream. He's playing with Sapnap, George and Sylvee--and they have been for hours. I wasn't invited to this one (I didn't really want to be just yet) but I've asked to be in the next one.

I watch Dream's stream. He's complaining like crazy about how rigged everything is. They all seem very disappointed, having not been in the top 2 because of some things that happened earlier on.

"Should I join their discord, chat? They seem really sad," I remark, raising my brows at my chat. "Yes? Poggers? Alright."

I join their call.

"We could have been in the finals. We could have won that."

"Yeah, we could have won that."

"Hello, Sylvee! Oh, yeah, and the Dream Team. You're here."

"Hi," Sylvee says. Her voice is how I would imagine straight lowercase to sound like. So cute.

"HI, AZ."

"HI, AZ."

"Sapnap, literally stop copying me."

"George! I was just saying hi."

"Well, you could have said something else."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. You're from Texas so, like, howdy."

"That's so offensive."

"Hey, Az," Clay says, sighing into the mic. He sounds genuinely worn out.

I smile, bringing my mic right next to my lips. "Can I serenade you?"

"Serenade me?"

"Like a song? I wanna hear a song," Sylvee coos.

"AZ, SERENADE ME," Nick growls. "PLEASE."


Clay scoffs. "She's serenading me, idiots. She said so herself."

"You guys are annoying. I'm serenading Sylvee. One second."

"Have I successfully brightened the mood?"

Clay laughs softly. "You always do."

"Did you hear that, chat? I'm the best part of this stream and I wasn't even participating in Minecraft Championship. I'm definitely going on next week. I mean, if I have such a substantial effect from just this, surely I'm going to win," I say sarcastically.

But I'm going to win. I'm getting Quig on my team.


A month later, I've got Quig on my team. And HBomb. And SmallishBeans. Yeah, suck on that, Dream. We're overpowered.

"What the hell..."

"Shit, Az, you're actually really good."

"What do you mean 'actually'?"

We all laugh at that.

daydreaming, dreamwastaken x ocWhere stories live. Discover now