Chapter 2

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"Stable buddies?" Jean scoffs as he steps out from the stall he was cleaning. "How immature can you be?" A shade of red comes over my face. I respond quickly to hide my embarrassment. 

"Forgive my exclamatory remark, I thought I was going to have help tonight. Turns out I have an extra horse to tend to." His face turns from a sneer to furrowed brow. We've always had a way of getting under each others skin.

 We arrived here around the same time several months ago. Since then, we never ceased to butt heads. I had done a fairly good job avoiding him until now. He shrugs off my comment and throws me a broom. "The horses have been groomed and fed. I was just finishing up brushing that last horse." He gestures toward that back stall, brush in hand. "I've done my part, go ahead and finish up." He makes his way toward the door.

Finish up?

As he is about to pass me, I lean the end of the broom to my right causing him to trip and nearly fall. "What the he**?!?" He catches himself on a column and straightens up. "What was that for!?!" "You think five minutes of work is going to suffice? We've only just started." I turn and hand him an empty bucket. "Here. Take this to the well and fill it. We need this place 'spotless' according to Captain A-hole."

"Beishmidt?" He rolls his eyes and curses under his breath. "What is with that guy anyway?" He takes the bucket. "What is the water for? The horses have enough to last them 'til next week." "Well," I say tilting my head in a patronizing manner. "You seem pretty handy with a brush, and these floors are covered in more than just hay." Jean snorts and turns to exit, kicking the door open and slamming it behind him. I sigh. 

Why is he so pretty???

End of chapter 2

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