Chapter 4 (Arsenic POV)

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Arsenic followed her brother down the corridor to the throne room.

Dreaming, she stared at the marble columns, and then at her claws with an empty gaze, betraying her intense reflection.

Since her adoptive father had revealed Tourmaline's death to the rest of the royal family the day before, she and Zenith had been meditating on the inevitable return to war that the loss of their sister would bring. Unable to sleep after hearing the news, they had been conferring all night long to decide what they could do to remedy the current situation, or at least contribute to it. Both knew that the country had been very weakened over the past ten years by the Bloody War, which was thought to be over because of this arranged marriage, which had become a fiasco. During this decade of misfortune, the Rathiens forces had not succeeded in defeating the Nordics, and have been struggling to push them back. However, motivated by the desire to tip the scales in their favour, in order to re-motivate the troops and put up greater resistance to the Rakurians, the two elders wanted this time to enlist themselves in the army, still counting on the fact that the will and hope of the Rathiens seeing their involvement could help them to win. Indeed, the two heirs had each been trained as warriors, since their earliest childhood, by Generals Astalian and Tinarg themselves. A preventive measure against possible offensives on the castle, said Khryselios, who everyone knew was terrified at the thought of losing one of his precious children.

We know how to fight," said Zenith, "why should we give up using our skills? It would be foolish to let the troops die slowly when we can help them face Rakurai. »

She had agreed, of course, but had pointed out to him that their parents, and her father in particular, would certainly refuse to let them make such a commitment.

I don't care what Khryselios will think," he had replied, "as long as it's my future kingdom being in danger we're talking about. »

They planned to announce their decision to their father that evening and to tell him the next day.

- What are you thinking about, sis?" the Dreadking asked lightly,, looking over his shoulder.

She raised her head a little, and laid her amethyst eyes on him.

- ... You know what I'm thinking about," she frowns slightly.

He turned around and grazed her with one of his wings in a loving gesture.

- Do not worry about that. He won't be able to stop me. You know me, I'm far too stubborn," he reassured her.

That was precisely what was worrying her. Nevertheless, she tried to return a shy smile.

- As for you, you know that he doesn't have the legitimacy to tell you otherwise ...

She received this word as a pinch in her heart, despite its truthfulness.

- Let's go in," he said, as the Seltas guards opened the Golden Claw's door.

Arsenic nodded and followed him.


- Father! I must speak to you!" the Dreadking spoke in a loud voice as he stood up, letting his echo echo reverberate throughout the room and amplify the power of his words.

A few seconds later, the ruler of the Rathlands appeared, greeted his two children from the head and sat on his throne.

- Good morning, Zenith. Good morning, Arsenic. What do you wish to tell me? Khryselios asked, redirecting his gaze to him.

Arsenic could then feel her brother beside her swelling with courage and determination.

- I've come to tell you that Arsenic and I have decided to join the army as soldiers," he proclaimed with a certain ferocity.

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