"Try it on." Bri told me. I picked up the empty pasta bowl and placed it on the dresser, then I picked up the folded dress and turned to walk to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Bri asked.

"Bathroom. I'm not wearing a bra under this shirt." I told her, she gave me a little nod and turned her attention back to the TV.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and started undressing. I pulled my shorts and my top off and pulled the clip out of my hair. I unfolded the white dress and quickly pulled it on. It was strapless, the top half was covered in little crystals, the skirt flared out a little bit but ended right above mid thigh. It's so cute. I tightened the corset thing and played with my hair a little bit in the mirror before grabbing my clip, picking my clothes up off the floor and turning to the door.

'I need to watch where I'm going.'  I thought to myself. As I bumped into the door. Wait, no, that's not the door.

"Oh fuck, Antonio, Hi." I said. Bitch, What was that? You can't just say hi?

"Angel." He said back, with a small smirk. That should not sound that good. That one word shouldn't knot my stomach up the way that it does.

"Excuse me?" I asked, wondering if I heard him correctly and also wanting to just hear it again.

"Angel?" He repeated, motioning to the dress after clearing his throat. I heard the right word but the wrong tone. Dumbass.

"Oh, yea! It's Mica's, I'm borrowing it since Saturday's thing is a costume thing." I told him. He looked me up and down and then he moved aside and let me get out of the bathroom.

"It looks good." He said, right before I heard the bathroom door close. What the fuck.

I walked back into the room, closed the door behind me and stood in front of it.

"It looks so good Kassie!" Mica said, sipping her wine with a smile on her face while Bri just stared at me.

"Thank you! Bri, what do you think?" I turned to face her and she just continued to stare.

"It looks... wow. I have no words, you look so pretty." She said with a big smile.

"Thank you." I told her. Nice pretty girls truly are the best.

"Bri and I will go out tomorrow and get you a cute mask and I'll bring it to you as well as the wings and the halo." Mica said shoveling the last few spoonfuls of pasta into her mouth.

"Let me take the dishes down." I told them as I started putting the dishes onto the tray.

"We'll help, we need to go anyway, it's getting late." Bri said, getting out of my bed, picking up her plate and her glass and opening my bedroom door.

"Wait, I actually really have to change, I'm not walking around here in this. You guys take your stuff down and just leave them in the sink. Thank you for coming over today, I'd go insane if I had to be alone here all the time." I told them.

"He needs you sane, he wouldn't let that happen." Mica paused and let out a soft laugh. "But there's no need to thank us, we like you. We'll see you tomorrow." Mica said, pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek before she walked out of my room. Bri then did the same and flashed me a big smile before following Mica out.

I still don't know exactly why I'm here. If they wanted to kill me it wouldn't be taking this long. If they needed information from me, I would've been interrogated and tortured already. I know they need me for something, but I don't know what.

I've been trying to figure out what it could be, mulling over the things that have happened in my family recently and mulling over the things my dad has told me about the Cappello family. The issue with this is that I have little to no actual knowledge about his family.

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