Risk it

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3rd person pov:

Yumeko, Maeri and Ryota sat together in the cafeteria beside Miu who Maeri had scolded earlier on the day for cheating. "Miu I told you to get your shit together and stop that nonsense", Maeri stared her younger sister down with disappointment. Yumeko spoke up,"Ah, it's quite okay Maeri san, I'm sure she won't do so again, will you young one?", Miu kept her head down and refused eye contact "yes senpai".

Yumeko's pov:

What good manners she has for a first year when she isn't gambling, "Wonderful" I replied. Her gambling technique was very similar to Tsumeragi, it makes me wonder if she took tips off of her before she enrolled here, ah well. "Miss Saotome, if you intend to cheat, never do so with an upperclassman, they are most certainly more likely to recognise your trick and call you out, you will almost immediately lose". Hm, I watched as she bit her lip, she's very competitive, it most definitely must run in her genes, she's so similar to maeri san. "Saotome~chan, if you have this attitude with an upperclassmen outside of gambling you must keep this attitude during gambling, the trick to gambling is to do it for pure joy, if you are not willing to risk it all on a game you are not indeed a proper gambler, which surely brings shame upon one"

Miu's pov:

How dare she! She knows nothing, "You don't know anything, shut up! "Miu behave yourself! keep your mouth shut you disgusting mittens!" huh? Oh yeah... I'm in debt on my first day here, how could I possibly forget. "Sorry Maeri"

Third person pov:

Maeri grabbed her younger sister by the arm and lifted her, proceeding to walk through the corridor as Jabami and Suzui followed, "Yumeko... Maeri, isn't this a bit harsh when she's a first year. Maeri turned around, grabbing Ryota by the collar, "She's my sister, don't question me!"


I apologise SO MUCH for not posting sooner, life has been crazy recently y'all, anyways hope yous are okay and let me know if there is anything you want in this fanfic! - Kai

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