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She was holding the steering wheel tightly, turning her knuckles almost white while she waited for the leader's call. At almost three in the morning, not even the streetlights could bring some life to the pitch black sky. In the middle of the city, the stars were peeking shyly through the clouds.

-Y/N. -Chan's voice finally interrupted the silence inside the vehicle. She had been going around the same block for around fifteen minutes as it was her area of surveillance. -One of the suspects is going to your street in a few minutes, the licence's plate number is 0325SKZ. As it's still not confirmed, just follow without him noticing.

-Alright, got it. -She reduced the speed to make sure he would go behind him, conveniently when he saw a dark blue car with said licence's plate. -Though there was no need to tell me at all, I don't think there's going to be any other car driving at this ungodly hour.

She followed her superior's instructions after her bickering, Chan's laugh interrupted by the noise of the radio static. At first, the suspicious man was aware of her presence but didn't really pay attention to it. About five minutes went by when he started to get nervous, making him speed up.

Y/N decided to turn left, whereas the suspect continued driving straight across the road, making him sigh in relief. But it didn't last long, she was only trying to not be too obvious. When she returned to the same street and watched the car from afar, a van got in between them, making it almost impossible for her to see the car she was chasing.

-Dammit. -She honked, motioning the old and slow van to move from her path. Thankfully, it turned left. Not so thankfully, the suspect was turning to the right at the end of the street, which forced her to step on the gas to catch up with him. She was sure she was over the speed limit, however she couldn't leave him to escape until Chan or the unit members gave her further instructions.

To Y/N disgrace, she heard a police siren right behind her, adding up to the hunt that was taking place that night. Of course this time she was the one being chased. The dark blue car was only a few intersections away when her radio spoke up again.

-Y/N, the one your following is free from the suspicion Seungmin and Jisung have the culprit. -Felix deep voice would have startled her if it wasn't from the loudness of the siren. At the hear of those words, she slowed down and found a place to park.

-You could have said so before, now I have to deal with a pair of police officers. -Felix chuckled at her teammate's bad luck. A soft knock on her window made the woman look, the man on the other side peaking her attention. -Well, at least he's handsome.

Before he could say anything else or the attractive officer knock once again, she scrolled down her window, fully revealing his features. His dark chocolate brown hair, or black, who knew with the deam light of the moon, falled graciously over his forehead, parted in half. His nose had a high bridge, almost like it was sculpted, and a defined chin and cheeks too. His eyebrows were furrowed but he raised one of them at the unexpected sight of a young woman driving at that speed at such a late hour of the night.

-Good night officer. -She said respectfully, but wanting to be over with the situation already. She was only tired from the stress and the adrenaline rush that was fading away, not that she didn't respect the authorities because she was part of that too (although in a more hidden level).

-Not so good when you were driving at almost 80km per hour in the middle of the city, lady. -He began writing down the details of the incidence, ready to give Y/N the earned penalty. Simultaneously, she reached for her FBI agent badge to justify the wrong situation. -My partner is also preparing the blood alcohol test.

As if he had summoned him, the officer's black haired friend showed up while cleaning a stain of a dark substance from his uniform. <> the woman guessed right, as they were ordering drinks during their break when they heard her honk and the sound of a car accelerating.

When the upcoming man raised his head she also found him extremely charming, especially his little mole underneath his right eye. He smiled briefly and before he could open his mouth to order her to take the alcohol test the first officer radio called him.

-I'll answer, you can do the test Hyunjin. -Lee, she assumed as the person on the other side of the device said, distanced himself from both of them to listen to the instructions the chief had to inform, in case it wasn't open to the public. When Hyunjin turned around fully to Y/N, she showed her badge while presenting herself .

-I'm Y/N, part of the FBI secret service and the Yellow Wood unit. I was in the middle of a persecution to a potential suspect of murder when I had to exceed the speed limit. -She returned the badge to her pocket. Just then Lee returned and tapped Hyunjin's shoulder.

-Hwang, it looks like there was an FBI investigation going on, some agents were doing a secret persecution. Is she? -Hyunjin nodded at the news he already knew in advance, due to Y/N identification. Lee then faced the woman, who was grinning at them.

-Am I free to go, officer? -She asked, while winking at him. However she didn't wait for and answer and turned the key to start the engine. Very much to Y/N surprise, he leaned in, resting his arm on the window's frame, mirroring her previous mischievous smile.

-Make sure next time you don't lose the objective so easily so you won't have to run at twice speed to level up with him. -He advised with a serious tone contrary to his playful expression. -There could have been an unwanted accident.

-Minho -Hyunjin was looking at the male, completely dumbfounded as why he would be saying that to an agent of such importance. The truth is, Minho had experienced similar traffic accidents before due to irresponsible individuals who were too cool to care about the rules, therefore this matter was very important for him.

-Are you giving advice to an FBI agent? -She confronted him in a friendly but wary tone. He didn't back away, almost a star contest taking place. -Though I must admit you have a point there. -Finally giving in, both hands now back to the leather steering wheel. Hyunjin sighed in relief, the tension in the air dissipating. -However, -he hitched his breath, as dramatic as he was- I'll have to talk with the person responsible for your patrol.

-Y-yes of course! Our superior's name is Im Jaebum, JB for short. We are the officers... -Hyunjin began, as Minho was quietly staring at the agent, wondering what she was thinking of doing. Once again, before he could continue speaking, Y/N interrupted.

-Thanks, that's enough. See you again Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Minho. -With the mention of the last name, she stepped lightly on the gas to beware them she was going to trail off already, even though she found the encounter a very interesting one. Minho had a side smile plastered on his face as he admired Y/N's car leaving the place.

-Are you nuts Minho? What will we do if she complains to Jaebum? -Hyunjin who couldn't believe his patrol partner and friend (unfortunately) went inside the car and faked hitting himself with the steering wheel at the thought of losing his job position. His voice was more tired than upset, due to Minho's usual rebellious behaviour.

-Nah, I don't think she'll do that. And in case she does, I'm the one who spoke back, not you, so don't worry. -The male said rationally, while entering the co-pilot's seat and cleaning the coffee that spilled when they first ran to the car and entered, making a mess on the cup holders.

-Then why would she ask for both of our names? Even though she knew them already -Hyunjin said, last part more softly trying to guess where she knew them from. Minho laughed at his partner's foolery while taking a sip of his now cold late.

-I don't know, maybe he wants yours to get your number. -He winked at the man on the driver's seat, who simply shook his head in denial. -And if you didn't have such a big mouth, she would have no idea of my name.

-Ehem do I have to remind you she knew mine? Maybe that was your fault. -He bit back, now remembering they both called each other. -Plus, I think she has her eyes laid on you, not me. -Hyunjin said, peeking at his friend briefly, being able to catch his little smile.

-Okay, touché. -Minho replied, without adding anything else about the latter statement. Maybe he was also interested in the mysterious and playful woman who had accidentally ran into his life at more than 80km/h.

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