Goodbye Before Hello.

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"YES!" I just got a invitation to my dads wedding! I know it sounds a little weird to be excited about your dads 4th wedding, but The reason I'm excited is because my dad lives in Florida, and that's where my boyfriend lives! He used to live back here in Arkansas. We were neighbors, so he came over a lot. I haven't seen him in 7 months and it's driving me insane. My dads wedding is the only way I could visit him for free, cause my dads buying the airline ticket for me. I guess it's his way for me not to be angry with him for his new marriage. Especially to a woman I'd never met. In the end it didn't really matter to me because it all meant that I got to see josh!

The wedding was at the end of the month. Which was in 2 weeks.

I ran upstairs to call josh. I picked up my phone to dial josh, but my bestfriend Ashely called me. I answered and yelled, "I finally got the invitation!!"

She paused and finally said 'yay" in a non enthusiastic voice. She wasn't really happy that we were dating, she claims I could of done better. She also thinks he might be cheating on me. She was such a downer when it came to Josh and I. Mostly because the dated back in the 6th grade and Josh dumped her for another girl. Either way I was happy and that was the only thing that mattered.

Me and ashley talked for a little longer until I told her I really needed to call josh. So we hung up. I dialed josh and he answered on the first ring.

"Hey Babe, what's up?" he asked.

"I can go to the wedding!" I shouted.

"Oh my Goodness that's great! I can't wait until I get to see you!' he said sounding excited.

"I can't wait to see you either, babe. I've missed you so much!"

We talked for a while later until He told me he had to go study.

'I really needed to go dress shopping.' I thought to myself. 'I don't have anything I could wear to a wedding.' I ran downstairs to get the invitation. I wanted to read it over again to see what color of dress I should get. (My dad normally writes notes in mine of the colors and stuff)

I opened the invitation and $600 fell out of the envelope. Taped to it was a not that said. "I never got a chance to buy you a real prom dress, so here. I know you'll love wonderful. Xoxo dad".

My dad was the Absolute best.

I went upstairs and entered my moms room. She was halfway awake. I feel so bad for her, she's been recently diagnosed with Breast cancer.

"Hey mom, how ya feeling?" I asked quietly.

"tired. Just tired." she said softly.

"guess what?"


"dad sent me the invitation..but you know I'm only going so I can see josh!" I said quickly. I don't want her getting upset. My dad and her were inseparable...back in the day. They where high school sweet heart, but that all changed when mom got pregnant with me.

"oh that's nice." she said sadly.

"Yeahh...I think I'm going to go get my dress. Would you like to come?" I asked trying hard to change the subject.

"no sweetheart, I dont think I'm up for it today."

"oh okay, I think I'm going to get it now. Dad gave me money. Love you!"

"love you too!"

I hopped into my car, and headed for the dress shop. I went to the one called Dreamy Dresses. I know, kinda cheesy. But hey it is Arkansas! Anyways I walked in and immediately saw the one I wanted. I hated trying on things, but this one I had to. I wanted josh to love it. It was a light blue satiny strapless short dress. Words can't describe how beautiful it is! I tried it on and payed for it. I got back in my car.

Well those 2 weeks seemed to drag on forever, but it finally came. Today was the day I was leaving. I loaded up my car and grabbed my airline ticket. To my surprise, my mom was downstairs. She asked me if she could drive me to the airport. Of course she could! I was worried about leaving her alone, but I know she can take care of her self.

When we arrived at the airport, my mom kissed my forehead. "I love you so much mom! I'm really going to miss you!" "love you too, baby." we hugged and I kissed her cheek.

I started to board the airplane, when I texted josh that I was leaving. I also texting my mom and dad that I was on the plane, so they didn't have to worry. Josh didn't answer his texts, so I figured he was busy. Once we were in the air the flight attendant announced on the over head speaker that the plane was having problems and that we probably wouldn't make it. She said she was so sorry and then burst into tears.

I was so scared. I got out my phone and dialed josh. He didn't answer my call. I called my dad. He didn't answer. I called my mom, she didn't answer either. I decided that I would just text them. My message to josh: "hey darling. I don't have a lot of time. The plane is going down. I just wanted to let you know that I love you, always have, and I always will. Xoxo

I texted my mom: "mom I'm not going to make it. The plane isn't working and were all going to die. I love ÿøü so much. "

Right as I hit sent the plane started to fall.

The news topic that night was "Plane Crash Killing 15 people..."

My dad saw the news that night and started crying. He was so angry and sad, because

He hadn't been a good dad to me. He threw his fist at the wall and broke his hand. His new wife had to try to calm him down. I never got to tell him that I loved him. After my funeral he started drinking. He broke of things with Kelly. And he went into depression. But then he met another lady, named Stacy. She started taking him to church. He stopped drinking and started praying. They've now been married 2 years.

When josh saw my texts, he bawled for 8 days straight. He got so mad that he didn't answer his phone that he threw it against the wall, smashing it into hundreds of tiny pieces. He started to do drugs to help ease his pain. He even thought suicide was the answer, so he could be with me. But after 3 failed attempts his mom checked him into a hospital for teens with suicidal thoughts. Once he got out he was a changed guy.

He met a girl named Alison. She showed him how to be happy again. I still watch over him. And I'm very happy he's with someone. She's good for him.

Lastly, my mom. She never received my text, or the news cast. That day, as soon as she lay down, she passed away. My grandma found her dead. Cancer had gotten the best of her. But now she's with me, watching over dad and Josh.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2012 ⏰

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