•Marry me•

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"Where are you taking me?" you ask as your boyfriend, Jasper runs with you on his back through the large forest behind the school. Even though this was a normal thing for you two to do on Saturdays, something was different. The route he is taking is strange compared to the other times he's taken you here.

The wind pulling your hair behind you. He comes to a clearing in the forest and puts you down.

"Is this?.....this is the place we met," you chuckle at how the forest has changed so much in 2 years. The dirt ground turned into a thicket of grass baring a few flowers here and there.

"Why are we here, Jas?" you cock an eyebrow as you turn to face your boyfriend.

"I can't take my girlfriend out?" he acts innocent as he gives you a side glance. But you read the subtle grin on his face as a sign that he's keeping something from you. You stop in your tracks and narrow your eyes.

He turns back with his hands in his pockets.

"Jasper Hale, you are not telling my something," you say in a whitty tone.

"Okay, fine. You really want to know?"

"Yes, I would."

"You'll have to catch me first," he speeds off through the maze of trees leaving you covered in a few leaves. You pout as you follow the path in which his footprints leave a trail.

You wander for what seems like hours. And before you know it, the sun has set. Leaving you in the dim forest. But you see a glimmer of light peak through the trees that soon leads you to a candlelit setting in which Jasper is waiting for you.

"Jas, what is this?" you laugh in awe.

"Two years ago, you were walking through the forest on your way home. I just happened to be hunting that day. But when we crossed paths. I knew," he gets down on one knee and caresses your hands as if they were precious souvenirs, looking you in your eyes.

You can feel his warmth even though he has no heartbeat.

"Y/n Y/m/n  Y/l/n. Marry me?"

Your mouth is left agape. Letting out a breath you never realized you were holding.

He stands up and pulls you close.

"Yes," you answer in a sigh.

Jasper Hale ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now