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It's been a few weeks since Rachel came back, she too has been helping out in the café and joined Aiden's weekly basketball meetups and it's been going pretty well. She got over Zuri really quickly and moved on or that's what she's been saying...

Aiden himself is also getting there. He was over Okko, yes, but he would sometimes wonder what if they stayed together which made him quite upset when he thought about it.

Aiden was having another basketball game with the team after his shift but this time, they were going to have dinner at nana's place afterwards to celebrate the return of the twins. Despite being centimetres taller, Rachel was 7 minutes older. The two never really mention that they are twins, and no one really notices as they only resemblance of similarity was their ocean sea-green eyes, other than that they look completely different.

The game soon ended, and they all walked to the house happily chatting as they walked. They all entered to the smell of Nana's cooking. Nana was very familiar with the old basketball team as they use to have dinners together quite often back when Rachel and Aiden were still in high school so, pretty much the whole team were like Nana's grandchildren.

"Boys! Kendra and Talia! It's been so long!" She hugged them all tightly and then proceeded to whack them all in the head. "Why didn't you visit me! I've been so lonely"

The crew all sent their sincerest apologies, but Nana understood despite her dramatic words. She ushered them to the dining room where there was a table with a feast full of food. Nana may be small but don't let that small stature conceive you, that women have a lot of strength.

They all dug into the delicious feast, sharing stories and overall enjoying everyone's company. After their dinner, everyone cleaned up and chatted in the living room while having drinks. That's the only thing that was different. They are at legal age to drink unlike back then when they were high school students, but it didn't really stop them from drinking back then.

As the whole group were joyfully chatting, Aiden caught something from the side of his eye: His sister flirting with Talia?? He caught a glimpse of Talia's flushed cheeks and a smug look on his sister's face. The two female noticed Aiden's stare and this made Talia blush even harder and his sister's cheeks were a bit rosy as well from being caught. Aiden chuckled and gave them a wink before returning to his conversation with Carl.

Although he's happy with his older sister finally moving on, he hoped she isn't using Talia as a distraction and pretending to like her. Heck, he didn't even know Talia swung that way but the girl can always be bisexual.

After chatting for hours, everybody soon went home as they all had work tomorrow and they shouldn't stay up this late. Nana gave the group one last big hug and told them to visit soon. The crew bid their farewell and went their separate ways. Rachel and Aiden cleaned up all the empty beer cans, glasses and snacks all over the living and ushers their Nana to go get rest as they handled it. As soon as they were done, the twins went to their rooms and went to get some sleep.

The Next Day

The door jingled as the door touched the bells by the door as Aiden entered to see his sister already there preparing everything before the café opens. Aiden was a bit surprised as normally, his sister would get an earful from his Nana before getting up and would only come by the shop in the afternoon to serve tables.

"You're up early...anything special happening today? You're even dressed up! Does it have something to do with a certain pixie hair cut gal hmm?" Aiden teased his sister smugly. He was successful as he saw Rachel face flush red.

"I-It's nothing like that! I've decided to stay here so applying for a job as an Interior Designer and I have an interview later this afternoon." Rachel huffed a response.

"So this has nothing to do with Talia?" Aiden smirked. He knew his sister, she would never dress this nicely even for an interview, she would only wear her prettiest jewellery when she's with a date with someone really important to her.

Rachel's face became redder but managed to stutter out "F-Fine! You got me! I'm meeting her for dinner after the interview!" Aiden never looked smugger as he was right.

"Wipe that smirk off your face! You going to help me set up or not?" Rachel uttered a response. Aiden listened to her and got to work.

3 hours later, Rachel was off to her interview. Aiden wished her good luck and she was out the door. The day went as per normal, Aiden chatting with Gavin and Eliza when there were no costumers to serve and talking to some of the regulars that come to the café. One of the regulars was the couple that he was so fascinated about which he now knows as Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, he got to know them over the weeks and they were really friendly, even with Draco being a bit stiff at first is now warming up to him. That was pretty much what had occurred that day, he left the café for Gavin and Eliza to take care of and he went home.

It was now 3 pm, Nana let him leave early that day and he was not meeting the team today so he got to take a stroll home. It's been a while since he took a break, he's been busy with the café, playing basketball again that he didn't stop to think what was he going to do next in his life. He figured he should get a job at a restaurant as he did get a degree for it after all but the café still was still short on staff. He could maybe start helping his Nana hire more people-

His train of thought stopped as he realised he has already reached home. He opened the door to see a package with a note on the floor, he picked it up and read the note:

Dear Strawberry Boy,

Here's some berry seed to plant in your garden, I saw that your backyard no longer had plants and I remember how much you loved gardening so why not pick up that hobby again? You are the strawberry boy after all!

Hope taking care of these plants will help you get your mind on things :)

Signed your best-est friend,


Aiden smiled at the note and took the package and a few gardening equipments to the backyard to start planting them. There were all sorts of berries: Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Blackberries and so much more. He began planting them. He forgot how much fun he uses to have planted.

In the midst of his gardening, Rachel and His Nana had returned home. The two women walked in the house to see no Aiden and the sounds of someone using the shovel. They walked to the backyard to their surprise, saw Aiden gardening. They haven't seen him do that in years.

Aiden soon felt their presence and looked up to see the two women staring at him.

"Oh hey, I didn't hear you guys come in! Rachel, how was your interview and your date with Talia?" Aiden said, standing up and brushing the dirt from his pants while removing his gloves. His Nana then said she's going to prepare dinner which left the two siblings to chat.

"I got the job! And it wasn't a date!" Rachel exclaimed.

"Good Job! I'm proud of you sis! And whatever you say" Aiden smirked.

Aiden was done planting the berries and went to get cleaned up and just in time, had dinner with his family.

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