I just wanna be heard

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I sit there. I sit there while I get vented to and yelled at because I'm the quiet one. You know how everyone always has that quiet friend that you always go to so you can vent?  That one friend who's always so nice? The one friend who always keeps their cool? That's me. I'm that friend. I'm the friend who always listens. Always listens but never talks. Why? Because I have such a messed up life that I can't even vent about it. If I do, I might be a burden or I might make it seem like it's all about me when it's not - except... Isn't it? Not everything is about me, of course, but if I'm telling you about myself, then isn't it about me? But no one really cares, because no one really thinks about how the nice girl feels.
Well I'm tired of being nice! I'm tired of just sitting there and listening and being expected to know all the answers! Who do you think I'm gonna talk to, huh?! No one! Because no one wants to know about me! I just wanna be heard, dammit! I wanna be the one that talks! I'm sick and tired of listening!!! Stop giving me shit for having feelings, dammit! Is it too much to ask that I want to fucking tell someone about myself?! Is it so much to ask that, if im telling you something, you actually listen?! Hell, I told my own boyfriend that I got into a fight with someone (more like I got yelled at and listened) and e started arguing! And then when I told him I'm tired of arguing and that I just wanna be happy right now, he old me he wasn't dealing with my shit and he was gonna go have fun, because apparently I don't know how to do that! And I told him that I wanted that before! But he wouldn't know, because No one listens!
Listen to me!

Sorry this is sloppy, I just had to get this down...
Sorry thu

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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