Chapter 17

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Dinner was surprisingly uneventful, aside from the burning feeling Mira felt that eyes were on her. The Kaminari siblings casually updated their mother on how school was going before the middle-aged blonde began asking their friends how they had been. Mira liked to complain about how their mom always wanted them to visit but she knew that she was probably just lonely. Mr. Kaminari was almost always away for work, Mira remembered how quiet the house when Denki had first moved to the UA dorms. It was easy to imagine how lonely it must be for her mother, who for the most part was just a housewife. When everyone finished eating Mira and Denki were left to tidy up while their mother exchanged pleasantries with their guests. 

"Thanks," Mira murmured as her brother past her the passed her the last dish, drying it quickly before putting it away. "I hope mom isn't chatting their ears off," Mira sighed.

"If they minded they wouldn't be over all the time," Denki mused, wiping down the counters. 

"I guess so," Mira nodded hesitantly. "I hope Kaiyo isn't overwhelmed by it though." The younger of the two left the kitchen, walking into see her mother clapping excitedly. She was greeted by a group of strained polite smiles and she instantly felt her stomach roll. 

"Oh there you are," her mother greeted upon noticing Mira and Denki enter the room. "Denki, dear, I have convinced your friends to stay for the weekend, isn't that fun?" Mira couldn't help it as her face pulled into the same polite strained smile as she looked at her mom. She couldn't bring herself to ruin the excited expression the woman had on her face, not knowing how sad and lonely she had been most of the time. 

"Wow Mama, that's super sweet of you..." Mira began. 

"You really didn't have to Mom," Denki added hesitantly shooting a few looks at his friends. 

"Oh its no problem at all," their mother assured. "You can all watch movies and play boardgames, you won't even know I'm here!"

Mira couldn't help the nervous laugh that left her as she approached her best friend. "Please don't leave me alone with all of them, I'm begging you," she pleaded in a hushed voice, a tight grip on Kaiyo's sleeve.

"I'll go find the spare futons," their mother beamed before leaving the living room. 

"Unbelieveble," Denki stated irritably once his mother was out of earshot. "You two weren't even supposed to come over and now you are trying to sleepover?"

"Your mother made it kind of hard to say no," Kirishima reasoned. Sero nodded in the background but didn't say anything. 

"Fine," the electric blonde huffed.

"If the boys are down here and we sleep in Mira-chan's room I don't see an issue," Kaiyo offered with a smile. Mira felt herself relax knowing that her friend had just agreed not to leave her to deal with the situation on her own. 

"Exactly," Bakugou scoffed. "Quit acting like we're a couple of villians," the ash-blonde added, his narrowed eyes glancing at the girls before looking back at Denki.

"I'm gonna pick a movie," Sero offered in an attempt to change the subject. "Anyone have a specific genre they want?" he asked before settling on the couch. 

The boys ended up picking some horror movie, despite Mira's protests. They hadn't even gotten half way through it when she threw her hands up in defeat. 

"That's it I'm going to bed," Mira huffed stomping toward the stairs, Kaiyo got up and reluctantly followed her. 

"Cry baby," Denki teased, not even bothering to look away from the tv.

Dinner had been kind of late to begin with so it was nearly nine at night. Mira had never been one to stay up very late, well not unless it was to study. So when she and Kaiyo settled into her room she really was more than ready for bed. Mira pulled her comforter up to her chin, murmuring a quiet goodnight to her friend, and shut her eyes.

It was still dark out when Mira woke up, her mouth feeling super dry. She quietly sat up in her bed happy for the silence that greeted her, it told her that the boys were already asleep and so she didn't mind sneaking downstairs. She tiptoed down to the kitchen, making extra sure to tread lightly as she walked passed the living room. Mira grabbed a glass and quickly filled it at the tap. Turning around as she took a sip, she felt her soul leave her body.

"What the hell, don't sneak up on me like that!" Mira whisper yelled. "What are you even doing here?" she demanded of the shirtless boy behind her. She was suddenly very aware of the fact that she was only in a tank top and shorts, not an outfit she would normally wear around others.

Bakugou's lips pulled up into an amused smirk. "I was thirsty," he mused, taking a few steps to close the distance between them before reaching passed Mira to grab a glass. The older boy stayed stood in front of her, leaning forward slightly to whisper in her ear. "You're in my way," he spoke, his breath tickling her ear. Mira quickly stepped to the side to allow the older boy access to the sink. She took another sip of her water, keeping her eyes on the floor to try and hide her blush. 

"Why do you gotta do that all the time?" Mira mumbled into her cup.

"Hm?" Bakugou questioned filling his own cup and quickly drinking from it.

"Get so... c-close," Mira asked shooting a glance at Bakugou.

"Oh that," he said understanding while placing his empty glass in the sink. "For some reason, I find you attractive," he gave a small shrug as he turned to face her again.

(abandoned work) I won't call you senpai! (Kaminari Denki's Little Sister)Where stories live. Discover now