Pain (part 1)

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After two day of being in Rapture, Izuku made said he was ready to become a part of the above ground protector program. "Izuku, I must warn you this process is very painful," Andrew said with a large amount of concern. Though Izuku has only been there for two days, he already felt like a son to Ryan, and Ryan didn't want to lose that. "I am as ready as I'll ever be Andrew," Izuku said with a weary smile.

"Ok Mr. Midoriya in order for you to become a protector, we will have to infuse you with heavy doses of substance Adam." That was doctor Yi Suchong, the creator of the protector program. "I am ready Dr. Suchong," said the human broccoli. "Ok....begin, insert electro bo-,"Suchong was cut off. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Izuku screamed in pain.

"Suchong turn it off." "B-but sir." "I said turn it off he is like a son to me!" Ryan said. "N-no I c-can handle it," exclaimed Izuku.

*After hours of inserting Gene Tonics and plasmids*

"I-Izuku a-are you alright," asked Ryan with a terrified face. "I-I'm fine, but I heard you say I was like a son to you," said Izuku with a mischievous grin. "W-well I-I....." said Andrew with embarrassment. "It's ok.....papa," Izuku said.

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