Storming the Field

Start from the beginning

Everyone started walking away with Izuku and Ochako meeting Hound Dog in an empty space. "Good to see you two again." "I'd rather kill this bastard after what he did in the last event." Ochako glared at Izuku in anger as he held his head down. "Sorry about that. I was trying to keep you from attacking me without wanting to hurt you." "YOU HURT ME!? WHAT KIND OF STUPID THOUGHT IS THAT!?" Izuku glanced her way before answering. "If we had another minute in that last event, you'd understand how dangerous I can really be." "Why you little!" Ochako began grabbing Izuku's shirt before Hound Dog stopped her. "That's enough! I didn't bring you here to bicker with one another, you're here because you two can't work out your problems yourself!" Izuku sat down while Ochako held a bit of agitation before doing the same. "Now the first event had you both going at one another rather angered, can you both tell me why?" "Because she/he got in my way." Both answered for the pro to write it down. "Ok then, might as well keep this going into the second event."

Hound Dog looked at Ochako first. "You went full force at Izuku hoping to kill him and held quite the bit of anger when he made his team weightless. Why?" "Because that's my quirk he was using! Why wouldn't I be mad that he used something that was stolen from me!?" "And you refuse to let me give it back to you." "Like I'm letting your disgusting hands anywhere near me! That creepy tentacle thing you did was proof enough!" "First off, it's called Kraken and that weird fluid was a side effect that I can't control. Second of all if I wanted to touch you with that, I'd have done it by now! Then again, you probably get enough touching from Kaachan since you're so buddy buddy with him." "WHAT WAS THAT!? LIKE I'D LIKE SOME EGO DRIVEN POMPOUS POMERANIAN THAT NEEDS TO GET HIS SHOTS!" "Then why do you both act like you're a couple?" "Unlike you, I actually try to make relationships with people instead of manipulate and steal their quirks." "And you use that in terms of trying to kill me!" Both went at one another again for Hound Dog to hit both over the head. "NOW ISN'T THE TIME FOR THIS!"

Both sat back down holding their heads in pain at Hound Dog's punch who looked at Izuku. "Midoriya, what about that last thing you were going to do? What was that?" Izuku looked away while answering. "The quirk is called Word Control. It's extremely powerful that I was man made." "What do you mean by 'man made'?" Ochako looked over to Izuku realizing what he meant as her own quirk now was similar. "From what I gathered, the quirk was made by mixing a Mind Control, a Voice Enhancer, and a few other quirks to create. The range of it is how far my voice reaches and can make me have people do things I ask them to." Izuku bit his lip before stating the next part. "I'm...I'm not proud of this, but I've was forcibly controlled to use the quirk and tell others to commit suicide. I don't like using it and would rather hold it as a 'if I have absolutely no other option' situation." The AFO user shivered remembering the feel of when he uses the quirk. "Just the thought of using it makes me feel physically disgusted with myself." "Oh please, you think using a quirk like that is bad?" "Worse than you think it is baby face." "YOU WANNA GO SHRUB!?" "BRING IT!"

Ochako began tackling Izuku to the ground activating OFA to punch him while Izuku headbutted Ochako off. She returned the favor by kicking him in the crotch before getting tripped by Izuku's foot to fall to the ground. The AFO user elbow slammed the OFA user in the gut before getting judo flipped into a wall. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" "STAY OUT OF THIS!" Both stopped when they realized they were yelling at a teacher. To say Hound Dog was mad was the biggest understatement of the century. "You littleeeerraaahhh *HOWL*!" Both had gotten a hard hit to the head, sending them into the ground with spirals in their eyes. "Next time you tell me something like that, you'll go deeper into the dirt!" Both teens slowly got up before sitting in their chairs again. Now that that's settled, I want you two to promise something. No matter what happens, don't go overboard if you face each other. There is no reason somebody needs to go home with a limp or in a body bag. If you go over a boundary, we'll stop you and disqualify you both." Both looked at Hound Dog angered knowing that they'd be taken out of the running entirely if they cross what they deem a boundary.

"Now, get out of here and get some food. You both have the final event to look forward to." Both walked out and stood out in the halls for a minute. "Look. Sorry about what happened on the field and in there. I had no right to use your quirk or go at you in there." Izuku held his hand out trying to make amends. "We cool?" Ochako looked down at the hand before glaring at Izuku. "You put that thing anywhere near me again and I'll yank it off." She walked away with Izuku losing the final bit of his patience. "YOU KNOW WHAT, JUST TAKE THE GODDAMN QUIRK BACK SO I CAN BE RID OF TRYING TO MAKE AMENDS WITH YOU! THE SECOND YOU DO, THE SECOND I CAN JUST WALK AWAY FROM YOU AND WORRY ABOUT MY OWN ISSUES! AT LEAST THEN I DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH A RUDE CUNT LIKE YOU!" Both stopped in their tracks for Ochako to glare at Izuku with a vein in her forehead visible and Izuku covering his mouth realizing what he called her. "What did you call me?" 'Fuck!'

Ochako began walking towards Izuku before Todoroki stepped between them. "Midoriya, Uraraka, can I have a word with you two-" "Sure buddy! Let's go over here! Bye!" Izuku ran away with Todoroki while the hatred in Ochako was fuming out her ears. "The next time I face that fucking shrub, I'll end his goddamn life!....Great, now I sound like Bakugou." Ochako walked towards the cafeteria remembering Izuku's words about his one quirk. 'If he had that on him, why isn't he using it to force me to take my quirk back? Come to think of it, he could probably kill us all with it.' Ochako walked away while Izuku found himself in an empty location with Todoroki. "So what did you wanna talk about?" Todoroki looked at his left side before answering. "I wanted to know how you can use your quirk even after everything." Both stood in silence as Izuku tried to find the right words.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and Ochako are now on even worse terms if that's even possible with Todoroki beginning to ask Izuku a question. See how the two act in the third event next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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