Chapter 19: Unbelievable

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"Oh gods no." I mutter, anxiously biting my lower lip. I try to search for him again but no avail, all that I can see now is rain and faint figures of Midgardians. Terrible possibilities of what they might do to Thor leak into my head. I can't think that now, he can still make it out if he finds a different route. Knowing his stubborn demeanor he will not stop until he gets that damn hammer.

I lower my binoculars, sensing things have gone from bad to worse. I debate with myself I either run or go and help him. I love this man, I have nothing else to lose. I then start over the ridge to go to him. Almost immediately, a spotlight sweeps past me. I can hear the sound of canines and loud SHIELD agents approaching, the glow of flashlights moving from the base towards I.

With no other choice, I make a quick retreat up the small hill and into the vehicle. I start it up and skid away, breathing heavily in defeat and embarrassment. I couldn't have fought them off, they would've captured me also. Then where would I end up and what else could I have done? I could not risk it, so I drive off and down the road, heading back to Jane and the others.


After a long half hour of Jane and Erik's pointless lea tides, I argue back with my point. "I can't just leave him there!" I yell defensively.

"Why not?" Erik says with a hard voice. He looks disappointed in me, I could care less about what they all think.

"You didn't see what happened!" I sigh, feeling a little regret in me.

Darcy, who was looking through books they received from the Library, points at an illustration of Thor's hammer in the book. "Hey! Myeu-muh!" She squeals in delight from her find.

Jane looks at the illustration in the book, turns to Selvig knowingly. "Where did you find this?" Jane asks, barely glancing to me. Have she finally understood what I was trying to tell them and what I'm trying to say now? I know that she believes in this stuff also, but not as much as I, so there's still hope.

Erik then grabs the book from her and hurriedly closes it. "In the children's section." He shortly replies. "I wanted to show you two how ridiculous his story was."

Jane is unconvinced by this, she is aware that he wants to believe in these 'myths'. "Aren't you the one who's always told me to chase down all leads, all possibilities?" She says strongly.

Erik rolls his eyes in exasperation. "I was talking about science, not magic!"

"Magic is just science we don't understand yet. Arthur C. Clarke." I quote a line from a novel I've read a few months back.

"Thank you for agreeing with me Lilah." Jane thanks with a respective smile.

"Who wrote science fiction." He blandly quizzes us.

"The precursor of science fact." Jane and I answer at the same time. We both look at each other and giggle at the coincidence that usually happens when we're really into a subject that we both know. Which is rare, but when it happens it's truly a show.

Erik takes in a deep breathe, trying to cope with our childish acts. "In some cases." He says after.

"If that's really an Einstein-Rosen Bridge out there, then there's something on the other side." Jane rants on about this. In which she's correct, but I love it when mortals try to comprehend something that they barely know about. " Advanced beings could have come through it before."

"Jane . . ." Erik tiredly utters.

"A primitive culture like the Vikings might have worshipped them as deities." Darcy adds. Oh praise the Gods she says something that is intelligent instead of just a mess of undecipherable words!

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