when my scenes were back but were they?

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i woke to hearing thump thump thump, i couldn't see anything but pitch black as i was frightened my heart started racing and so did a machine i heard someone yelling was that Liam? i wasn't sure then i heard other voices she is not stable something set her off this is not good! let me put some drugs in her iv to get her stable. a few minuets i felt at ease as if i was flowing with the current of the river by my house. just then someone grabbed my hand Liam started speaking softly, Jen he said between the steady but silent tears streaming down his face i need you to wake up i need you to wake up for zayn, as soon as he said zayn i felt my finger twitch, he looked up Jen its ok zayn is in a very terrible state right now he is in a coma just like you but if you can hear me you need to over come this he needs you. specially Whitney, Niall he started sobbing harder and harder as he tried to tell me but he couldn't seem to calm down. Jen Niall, Niall is dea- dead. right then and there i was in a state i couldn't describe i actually like being in this dark state a state were i didn't have to feel pain and live life knowing my best friend was dead. in this state all i can feel is numbness and all i can see is darkness which is somewhat comforting. but i needed to overcome this i needed to wake up for zayn and Whitney they needed me. i tried opening my eye lids but they felt like they were tied together not  wanting to open, finally i pushed my hardest and my eyes fluttered open Liam got up quickly and got the doctor. the doctor gave me a cup of water and started checking my vital signs. she seems to be doing ok i am going to let her rest but Liam you can stay in here with her if you would like. thank you doc i want to watch over her for zayn i promised him i would. the doctor walked out i looked up to Liam. hey sweetie Liam said a single tear went down my face, i finally croaked it out and i asked is Niall really dead? yes he is Liam said trying to hold back his tears. how is Whitney doing? she is with her mother at the moment. and how is harry and Louis? they are at the hotel grieving in there own way. i turned my head to were i could look out the window, how could all of this happen in just one second? Liam can i see zayn? not now you need to rest tomorrow you can. get some sleep you really need it. i smiled weakly at Liam as if the world is about to break with one little touch, thank you for watching over me.................. then i fell asleep just to be waken by what Niall??????

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