Work (Tom)

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"So tell me about yourself Mr Hiddleston."

I had met this girl y/n a few weeks ago. We had been talking and I thought I should ask her to dinner. She's insanely beautiful, intelligent and I think she's perfect. But she doesn't know who I am. It's a good thing really, but I don't want her to be like other girls I have been with. People tend to use me; they think I'm easy to manipulate because I'm so kind.

"Heh well as you can see, I am shockingly handsome." She giggles at my comment... that laugh, "I believe Shakespeare is very underrated-"

"I agree," she interrupts. I smile at her; I didn't think she could get better.

I laugh and continue, "uh heh even though I'm not Shakira or Beyoncé, I love singing and dancing. I do it as a personal pleasure, not something for others."

She nods with a smile, "I'm impressed. Not many people do what they love for the sole purpose of feeling good. We're all trying to do things to one up each other all the time. It's good to hear." She took another sip of her drink, "what do you do for work?"

This is the moment. I don't want to lie, there is no point she'll find out anyway. I just hope she's accepting of it. "I'm an actor."

"Hmm a triple threat, so then what films have you been in?" She asks after eating another forkful of food.

"I was only in smaller films until I got a job at Marvel." Her eyes widen and puts her fork down.

"Wow I-uhh I didn't know," she smiles again, but this time it wasn't as wide, like she was internally scolding herself for not noticing.

"It's fine I would rather talk to someone I didn't know about it than someone who did. Normally, people gush over my fame and go crazy that I'm around them. Like I'm not a real person."

"I get it. I would find it annoying too if the only people who wanted to talk to me were fangirls who were more interested in my fame than my personality."

"I'm glad you understand. Thank you." I smile warmly at her and we carry on talking and eating.

"What character did you play?" She blurts, "sorry I was curious."

"No need to apologies. I play the Norse God of mischief Loki Odinson. He grew up with his brother Thor, mother and father believing he was the same as them. Then he finds he was a frost giant and the son of their king." She nods along as I babble on, "he wants to rule so badly that he tries to kill the Allfather and- I should stop."

She laughs and shakes her head, "no, no I was enjoying it."

"Well if you want to watch the films then I should stop and not spoil them for you."

"Alright, then if you want me to watch the films, I want to watch them with you and to see you again at my place," the light in her eyes makes her glow like an angel. How can I say no to someone like her.

"Okay y/n. It's a deal."

She smiles, "I can't wait Mr Odinson."


A/N: I feel like these endings are getting repetitive because I don't really know what else to end it with. I'm going to try and finish this book before school starts on the 3rd but I'm still going to write my other story I have going and I'll start some others too. Share your thoughts.❤

100 story challenge (Tom Hiddleston imagines) *edited*Where stories live. Discover now