Mark (Tom)

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A/N: So you have to pretend Mark Ruffalo's parents split up for this story and that you are the youngest of 5 children. Just so this can work properly. I don't think his parents actually split up, but I need it for this story. soz...

You and Tom have been together since June 2012 after you interviewed him and Chris Hemsworth for the first Avengers film. You have been dating a few months and it being Christmas, you and Tom have decided to go to your parent's home for boxing day so you can finally introduce him to your family.

After your parents divorced, you decided to take your mother's last name, Rose, along with your brother, Scott and sister, Nicole. Whereas Tania and Mark kept their names as Ruffalo.

"So do I have to be wary of over protective brothers and father y/n?" Tom joked. On the news of you bringing Tom with you this Christmas, your family wanted to try having a civilised evening, just to meet him. It sounds good but when you have divorced parents, you didn't have your hopes up.

"Not really, just my brother and my dad," you replied glumly, "my brother Scott passed away a few years ago. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

Tom's mouth gapped open and he immediately apologised, "oh God darling. You don't need to say sorry; I understand why you didn't." He takes your hand which was resting on your thigh and smiles warmly at you before concentrating on the road ahead.

"Anyway, you won't need to worry about Mark, he already loves you. My dad, however, may need a little convincing. Being to youngest I'm like the fragile and most expensive ruby you could find. I always have to be protected according to my father... it really pisses my sisters off," I laugh.

"Well I can't wait for the challenge."

----time skip----

You both arrive a little late seeing as there was a lot of Christmas traffic, but after you knock on the door, your mother welcomes you both with open arms.

"My baby girl," your mother smiles happily and pulls you in for a warm hug.

"Hey momma," you reply, "this is Tom. You know the guy I was telling you about?"

"Oh yes, welcome Tom," your mother gives Tom a tight squeeze and you giggled just a little at how Tom bent down to hug her properly, "you can call me Marie. Come in."

You walk inside and are greeted by your sisters, and your father soon comes into the kitchen where you were standing.

"Hello baby girl," you father says.

"Hi dad." You give him a hug, your family is reeeeaallllyyy into hugs and introduce Tom to him. At first it was like Tom's favourite scene from Heat. But after a minute, your father warmed up to him.

"Where's Mark?" You ask your mother.

"He's gonna be late," Tania replies for her, "apparently he's got some interview or something before he gets here. I don't know why you haven't interviewed him yet."

"Because they would literally get no work done. They would just talk for ages about who's the better Avenger." Nicole chimes in.

Tom looks at you puzzled and asks, "what does your brother do then?"

You look to the ground and your sisters laugh, your mother speaks up again, "Mark's an actor. He was in the Avengers."

Tom's eyes go wide as the thought hits him. He looks down at you, "do you mind if we talk outside darling?"

"Sure," you say as if you were caught red handed doing something you were told not to.

You walk out of the room back to outside the house when Tom stops you taking your hand, "why didn't you tell me why Mark was your brother?" His tone isn't angry or hurt, it's just curious.

"Because I didn't want you two to talk about me and I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable around him due to the fact that you work with him."

"Hey, it's okay, I don't mind. It was a great surprise. Good to know you're a Ruffalo," he smiles down at you, wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your forehead.

"Why are you so perfect?" You ask, somewhat jokingly and somewhat seriously.

"I don't know... maybe it's because I have the most perfect girlfriend who I adore and can't wait to spend even more time with." He comments. You laugh into his blue jumper, "now I get why you said he likes me." You both hear someone pull up to the house, but neither of you move, even though you knew it was Mark.

"Tom?" Mark asks.

"Hey," he says rather awkwardly.

"So you are the Tom my y/n's been going on about. At least I know you're not going to be an ass"

"Thanks," he chuckles while you move away from Tom and hug your brother.

"Come on you three dinner's gonna get cold and you'll freeze if you stand out there any longer. Let's eat." Your mother says from the doorway.

A/N: I know this one may not have been great because it wasn't factually accurate with the parents thing, but I did actually wiki Mark Ruffalo so I could learn about his family. I don't know if I'm supposed to say this but I don't personally know any of the Ruffalo's, obviously, I don't own anything to do with them... Idek what to say or if I need to say it. Me being paranoid. hehe. What did you think? ❤

100 story challenge (Tom Hiddleston imagines) *edited*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora