For a brief moment I let my eyes leave Levi. They flickered to each and every one in his squad. How many times have we all been on missions that looked like there would be no hope? Minus Eren of course. Why am I all of a sudden starting to doubt these guys and their capabilities? Sure Petra and Gunther are the ones I'm most worried about as they have the least solo kills, but they've showed us all they can very well handle themselves. Why else would Levi choose them?

Eren has us to protect him as well. He may not need it due to his titan abilities, but if something goes wrong and he can't shift again, he has six highly trained soldiers to back him up.

Highly trained.

At that thought all the nervousness went away for a moment. Any fear I held for the safety of those I cared about left me. I felt free of the constricting feeling in my chest.

A small smile rose to my lips as I looked ahead again. Levi wasn't looking at me right then but I smiled brightly at him any ways.

   "Hey Elle?" A soft voice reached my ears and I glanced over to meet Petra's big brown eyes.


   I watched her eyes shift from me, to her hands that held tightly on to the reins of her horse, before coming back to me. She looked a bit... apologetic.

   "When we stop can I talk to you for a bit?"

   I blinked a couple times in curiosity. "Sure. Everything alright?" I felt a bit of deja vu to be honest.

   Petra nodded her head softly. "It's actually about-"

   "Girls." Both Petra and I straightened up quickly, but whereas I looked straight to Levi, Petra almost jumped out of her skin. "Keep your focus on the mission. Don't be gossiping."

   I sweat dropped and didn't reply.

   "Yes Captain!" Petra jumbled out, a red blush overcoming her cheeks.

   I had a feeling this talk was about a certain someone and quite frankly I didn't wanna hear it. After that talk a month ago, Levi and I had worked it all out. His declaration that he didn't want a girlfriend was quite clear to me, but I didn't have the heart to tell Petra yet. I honestly didn't want to think about it at all. Relationships in general... but also... the thought of the two of them together made my stomach turn in an awful way.

   I shook my head mentally to get those cursed thoughts out. As I did a scout from our right rode up quickly.

   "I've got a message!" He seemed frazzled as he came up beside Levi, sweat dripping down his forehead. "The right flank enemy scouts have been decimated! The right flank is now blind to any and all enemy movements!!"

   My breath caught in my throat. The constricting feeling came back. I looked between the new scout and Levi. That happened way too quickly but I feel like this was something that was bound to happen.

   "Please pass the message on to the squads to your left!"

   Levi's face was neutral as he turned to Petra. "You heard the man."

   "Yes sir!"

   I slowed my horse down just a fraction so Petra could slip out and head to the left. I gulped as I was then left to ride next to Eren. I took a quick glance at his face. His expression showed that of sudden realization and I wished I knew just what it was that he was thinking about.

   Just as we heard signals sound off behind us, my eyes caught sight of black flares behind the young boy. My eyes narrowed.

   "Black flares are sounding off." I called out confidently. I could feel my body shift in to that of offense. I felt good in that my body was acting accordingly to how it usually does.

A Childhood Promise | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now