Why, this kid―if he had been Yeosang in this situation, he'd better watch out and brace himself for a push towards the floor. It'll leave a visible bump on the forehead. Lucky he's not specifically titled my best friend otherwise, he'll suffer.

But I see the traces of his movements in the room; the previously opened curtain (which I had pulled back in hopes of luring him out the bed) is now closed again, how half of the covers are hanging dangerously off the bed and how his phone is now turned the right side up. This boy really...

"Seonghwa! Get up!" I pull the curtains open again, wider than I did last time and light floods the bedroom.

I hear Seonghwa's cry of protest.

"Don't be such a baby, I have the studio booked at noon! We need to head back soon," I remind him, approaching the bed quickly and shake his shoulders.

"No..." he murmurs.

"You need to change your bandages and shower. Sheesh, I'm not your mother," Seonghwa yelps when I pull the cover off of him, which he pulls back in alarm.


"What? I'm going to go to the studio after this and if I miss my hour they're going to cross me off my bookings."

Seonghwa blinks before pulling the doona over his head again with a small huff.


"... Yeah, yeah, yeah, just give me five minutes more," he mumbles from under the covers.

This is going to take forever since I know that 'five minutes' in Seonghwa language means five decades. Maybe even five centuries at this time of the day. I know Seonghwa isn't a morning person but he sometimes knows his priorities. However, I'm going to miss my booking hour if we don't get a move on.

I do mental calculations in my head. If Seonghwa goes into the shower within the next fifteen minutes, he'll finish by the next half an hour. We eat pretty fast so we should be finished in around an hour (an hour and a half at most, if Seonghwa decides it'll be a good idea to get seconds), then our round of farewells to his family would take another quarter of an hour or so (but then again, knowing Seonghwa, it could take up to half an hour) and... Ugh. I drag my hands over my face. We'll barely make it.

Standing up, I go over to his bag by the wardrobe and start to rummage through it.

"Where are your clean bandages?"

"In there somewhere," Seonghwa replies, finally flopping the blanket off his face.

"Right, thanks, very helpful," I grumble to myself. I zip open a small pocket on the inside of his bag and find the rolls of bandages as well as cream and antiseptic. "Do you need your painkillers?"

The man on the bed yawns. "Nah, m'good."

I set the items on his bedside table and take a seat on the bed. "Come on, let's undo your bandages so you can shower," I say, offering a hand for him to take. He grabs on to it lazily and I pull him up to a sitting position.

The brunet blinks sleepily. I smile fondly at his sticky-up hair and reach out to brush it up a little with my fingers. Seonghwa pouts, shoving my hand away and rubs his eyes.

"Oh no, is he still sleepy?" I coo, hands on his cheeks and squishing them together.

Seonghwa still manages to shoot me a dirty look. I laugh, pressing a kiss on to his lips, feeling his frown merge into a smile.

"You're so mean for opening the curtains like that," he tells me.

"I'm sorry, baby, I know you like sleeping in but I have to go to he studio later today." Seonghwa nods against my forehead.

I pat his shoulder. "Come on, I'll help you undo this and while I pack my things, you can shower, kay?"

"No going back to sleep!" I quickly add when he opens his mouth to say something, which I know would be another whine.

"Now turn around."

Seonghwa shifts and faces away from me, a pillow in his arms as he resists the urge to fall back into slumber.

Then I freeze. It had completely slipped my mind that Seonghwa's injury was on the shoulder. Maybe I should've thought twice about it before I say anything. I feel my brows crinkle, hands fisted in my lap as I come to a moment of hesitation. In that short moment, so many things come to mind all at once and I can almost feel my own mark burn as it senses my nervousness.

"Cherry?" Seonghwa pipes up.

I pull out of my scepticism. "Nothing."

My hands unravel the bandages wrapped around his shoulder, not really paying attention to the strip of cloth as I keep my eyes trained on everything else. Maybe Seonghwa is aware of how tense I am, or that he can tell that I was hesitant and that's why his fingers tap my knee lightly. But he doesn't say anything.

Once they all come off, I can feel my heart crawl up from my chest to my neck. The beats so loud in my ear and I swallow the invisible grip on my throat.

I dare myself to look up.

"Thanks Che―" 

A loud gasp escapes my lips.


...aaandd let's end it there! ooooh im so excited for the update after this sjkdhsjfksjhg and yeah yeah yeah ik it's not sunday (it's friday gosh nita) but like aaa i was distracted the whole week and  i had assignments to do and shit so this completely slipped my mind /sobs/

anyways you can pretty much conclude what hwa and shin did that night imsorryformakingitturnthiswaymumsjkhdjskf

happyy fridayyayayay my lovely freeenss<33

p.s. do u know any good noodle recipes?

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