Head over heels baby!!!💓💘

Start from the beginning

Greek God of Fire 🔥

Raghav ❤️

I blushed hard when repeating his band in my mind... When our eyelock was broken by Appy's stupid comment

'Seems like you are in complete plans of fulfilling my wish extremely soon Siya🤣 no problem...just let me know the dates... I will be your doctor from day 1🤣'
He blurted 😂😂😂'


Appy stop...

I'm going to kill you today' I was about to follow him...

But suddenly I felt a hand held my wrist...

'Mam... You can run around like a 5 year old later .. wedding starts in an hour, we already have guests arriving' he said...

My eyes captured his deep eyes...
I was getting hypnotized by this man...

I could forget the world ❤️ his eyes had that capacity 💓

While mom snapped her finger to break our eye lock...

'Babies there is a lifetime left to stare into each other's eyes.... go get ready you both' mom said...

I looked down now realising the embarassment I caused to myself 🙈🙆

'I'm ready mom...it's your daughter in law... I guess people are mesmerized by your son's good looks that they forgot to get ready' he taunted...


My eyes widened in shock 😳

'Siyu.... baby go get ready and meet me on the dias... You have so many rituals...after all you are my eldest daughter in law' mom said...

While I nodded a yes...Mom quickly left...

While taking a step forward...

Breathing into my face he said...

'Its fine baby accept it... You forgot the world looking at your handsome husband'

I narrowed my eyebrows...pouting my lips...

'Are you trying to say ...I'm all whipped due to your charms Mr Prabhu???' I fumed!!!

'No Mrs Prabhu....it's you who said that now and all I'm saying is I don't have any competition tonight ofcourse excluding the wedding couple themselves!!!' he tried rollin his eyes...

While I took another step forward and said...

'Oh really...then wait till i come dressed up Mr Prabhu!!! You will be smitten!' I challenged...

'Accepted whole heartedly' he said while smirking...

And I quickly left from there...

By saying one last line...

'And ya Mr Prabhu... When I come dressed up tonight..... You will personally want to ward of evil eye from me... I promise!!! '

I challenged!!!

'Ohhhh... confidence.... I love it...let's see' he said winking his eye😉

'You will Mr Prabhu...and I promise you won't be able to take your eyes off me'

Raghav's POV:

Wedding rituals had begun...

It's all so beautiful today...

Infact last few days were dreamy...

I feel my life is going to change in sometime...

This time forever 💞

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