I groaned loudly like a child and rolled my eyes at my alpha, wishing it would be over. I knew he was right, but every time I phased, my bones got stuck in transition and fought against the process, making it 10x more painful than it should have been.

Jared and Jake had to hold back Seth who was stressing out more than ever listening to my cries of pain and knowing how much it was hurting me to phase. He was furious at Sam for making me do this, even though he too knew it was necessary.

Paul didn't love it either but he was much more understanding, knowing it was for my own good, and honestly getting amusement out of Seth's intense reactions. He later told me Seth was feeling physical pain in his chest every single time I screamed, which broke my heart as well as warmed it.

Leah made her way into the yard finally. "Want me to slap you?" she offered.

Surprisingly, I nodded, knowing that the sooner I phased, the sooner my transition wouldn't hurt anymore.

Without even hesitating, Leah walked up to me and smacked me hard across the face even worse than last time, inducing my wolf's anger.

As predicted, I phased. It took a long time but I got there.

"Ok good. Phase back, do it again." she demanded, making herself comfortable on a log sitting nearby.

I whimpered in wolf form and willed myself to phase back. 

"It isn't getting any easier," I spoke breathlessly and exhausted, still in pain.

She shrugged with a sympathetic look on her face. "It will. Let's keep at it." 

Nodding and attempting to not give into my pure exhaustion, I phased again on my own. Using the anger I had at the whole situation helped, and I began realising that channeling anger into it and trying to convince my wolf that it was being threatened enabled it to takeover easier.

I did this over and over, Leah getting comfortable and reading to herself as she mindlessly watched and coached me every now and then, making sure I wouldn't run off or pass out. It took time between each phase, burning intensely all through my body each time, and I had to fight to stay conscious and not pass out from the pain.

I then figured out the one thing my wolf was most protective of, the one thing that no matter how exhausted or pained I was, the wolf would jump out immediately to protect.


"Hey that one was the quickest yet! You're getting it!" Leah celebrated happily after a while of supervising. "What did you do?" she asked as I phased back.

I sighed and looked at her knowingly. "I thought of Seth...Seth in danger." I spoke quietly, noticing my wolf already attempting to fly back to the surface and phase me right then and there at the sheer words.

I gave in, letting myself phase in an instant. It hurt less, my wolf's desire to protect its imprint far outweighing any vampiric DNA I had lingering in me.

Leah stood up satisfied. "I think you've done it. It seems we've figured out your switch," she said, coming over to pet me sympathetically. "Let's call it a day. I can tell you're exhausted."

I happily phased back and put on the shorts and bralette I had brought with my for when I was done. "You okay?" she asked as she watched me change.

I nodded. "Every part of me is in pain and I feel like I'm gonna pass out, but yeah. Happy I can say I figured out the trigger." I whispered breathlessly.

As we walked back to the house, I stumbled slightly in exhaustion, and Leah grabbed an arm to support me. "Woah there, let's get you to bed to rest up." she said.

Fortuity // Seth ClearwaterΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα