Missing Their Sisters

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(This chapter is just a short one to let you all know just how much Malina and Evilly mean to Jay, Carlos, Evie and Mal)

*3rd pov*

It's been a few months since Malina and Evilly left with their mate's to fine their biological dad's and to say that everyone missed them was an understatement. Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos miss them the most.

Jay missed his sparing partner even though he spars with Carlos, Malina was the one who taught him how to fight. She also showed how to steel without getting caught, helped him with homework, and a lot more. Evilly taught him to be more in touched with his feelings and listen to others. Both gave him advice on girls, important stuff about being a gentleman. He missed his older sisters..

Carlos missed how safe they made him feel when they were around even with his mother in the same room. Malina was the one to teach him how to stand up for himself even though he is still learning how to do that, she also would beat up anyone who would try to hurt him. Evilly taught him not to be so shy and helped him to be around dogs more. Both told him to be himself, they also would comfort him and so much more..

Evie missed her older sister and her mantor so much. She learned how to read and everything all because of her sister. She remembered all the times Evilly would help her with her make up, teaching her pretty much everything just like Malina taught Mal everything. She has been making dresses alot with the help of Doug.

Mal has been having a hard time fitting in and the one person that can help her isn't with her. Malina was basically her mom instead of her older sister. Mal missed Evilly too because she is her other big sister. She has tried to talk to everyone but they all seem to prush it off some how. Ben was to busy being king, her friends are doing there own thing. All she had was her spell book. She has talked to Malina and hid how she was feeling because she finally found out who her dad was and Mal didn't want her to lose the chance of finding him all because of her. So she just kept quiet about it. Ben is also having some more friends over to stay awhile, people from a place called Mystic Falls.

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