Chapter 8

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Saturday pt.2


"So how do you guys like the school so far?" The man I now know as Otto asked.

"It's really cool, I can't wait for the rest of the year!" Said Dillon excitedly. I just nodded in agreement. I was trying hard not to slip into my little space.

"What's wrong Acey?" Dillon whispered to me.

"Remember what we talked about earlier?" I said is I stared at Tod in my hands. I hear a faint 'oh' before I saw his feel move away. I heard whispers, but I didn't think much of it.

Soon I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up to see Lottie and Vera squatting in front of me.

"Hey sweetheart, it's completely fine if you regress. I know we just met, but I can tell that you're perfect for us, little one." Lottie said with a smile.

"Are you sure? Plus I don't know what I'd call you." I replied sadly not wanting to ruin something so great so soon. Lottie let out a small chuckle before Vera spoke up.

"Well we're both fine with you giving us names. Only if you're comfortable though." I stared at Tod for a bit before looking up, the two were smiling at me, and Dillon was already regressed and talking to his caregivers.

I took a deep breath before letting myself slip. I felt small, and very hyper.

"Otay, den you mommy..." I said pointing at Lottie, "an you mama" I said pointing at Vera.

"And who are we, little one?" I was surprised to see Otto and Parker standing next to me.

"'Ou guys is Uncky Otto, and Uncle Parky." I said with excitement

"That's right sweetheart." Said Parker with a smile

"You are aunt V, and Lottie-pop." Fully said excitedly, laughing at his clever name for Lottie. The rest of us laughed as well, and Lottie ruffled his hair.

"Do you guys want to go play on the playground?" Vera asked us

"Yesssss!" We both shouted

"Buh, da one inside, 'cause it too hot." I said giggling.

"Alright. Off we go!" Dillon and I squealed as Otto and Parky put us on their shoulders and began a slow jog to the playroom. I looked behind me to see my mommies laughing and taking pictures of us.

"Hurry, up mommy an mama!" I yelled back to them before turning back around.

Once we got to the door for the 3-6 playground they put us down.

Otto and Parky helped Dillon take off his shoes, and Mama helped me with mine, while mommy took off her shoes.

"Let's go guys!" Dilly shouted

We all went and climbed in the massive play structure, we played hide and seek, tag, and we raced down the slide for hours. We had to go when we heard the announcement for lunch come on. We reluctantly were carried off the playground, after a few seconds of pouting and warning looks. Mommy helped me get my shoes on and then took me to wash my hands.

*time skip*

We are sitting at a table with all of our cabin mates, eating lunch. Everyone has different foods. Gray, Winter, and Zoey have pb&j sandwiches. Javi has Dino nuggets and tater tots. Nate is eating applesauce and fruit because they're regressed go only 1 years old. Cody and Andreas have burritos. Aly has a salad, Sam is drinking their bottle full of almond milk because they're infant regressed. The rest of us just had Mac & cheese.

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