I was trying to protect you

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Nazli had a dinner date with Demir. She was pretty nervous. She was wearing a beautiful leather jacket and a light makeup that made her eyes look even more beautiful. Before leaving the house, Kaya saw her and smiled: Güzel kizim, where are you going?!
Nazli smiled: Babacim. I'm having dinner with one of my friends.
He pinched her cheek: Don't be late.
Nazli smiled big: Okay babacim! See you later.
Then she kissed his cheek and left.
When she arrived at the restaurant, Demir was already there. He stood up and waved at her.
She smiled and went to table that he was sitting at: Hi! I'm sorry to be late.
Demir smiled shyly: No you're just on time. Sit down please.
When she sat down, he gave her the menu: What do you want to eat?
Nazli looked at him and smiled: Let me check the menu first!
He felt embarrassed: You're right I'm sorry!
Nazli smiled big and looked at the menu. While she was choosing what to order, Demir stared at her.
Then he said: You look gorgeous.
Nazli blushed and smiled shyly. She didn't expect a sudden compliment.
She said: Thanks. You look good too.
He blushed too.
Nazli closed the menu and said: I chose.
Demir called the waiter and they ordered their food.
While they were waiting for their dinner, Demir talked about his favorite football team. Nazli tried hard to hold her smile back but when she saw him talking about his favorite football player, she couldn't stop herself from smiling. Demir noticed it and looked at her in surprise: Am I talking too much?!
Nazli smiled and shook her head: No canim you're not!
She paused a moment and said: This is your first time dating someone, right?!
He sighed and scratched his ear: Is it that obvious?!
Nazli laughed: It is!
He laughed too: I tried hard to look less amateur but it looks like I was not successful. I think I had a bad first impression.
Nazli smiled: No. You're actually pretty cute.
Demir smiled big because of this compliment. He opened his mouth to say something but before he could say anything, Yiğit was standing by their table and looking at Nazli frowning.
He growled: Didn't I tell you to stay away from him?!
Nazli frowned: What are you doing here?! Leave me alone!
Demir stood up and reached his hand towards him: Hi Yiğit abi.
Yiğit looked at his hand and didn't hold it like last time. He just frowned at him and looked into his eyes: Look, stay away from my sister! If I see you next to her one more time, I swear I will break all your teeth!
Nazli stood up too: What the hell are you talking about?! Who let you to interfere in my life like that?! Leave us alone!
Yiğit looked at her coldly: I will leave. But you're coming with me.
He then grabbed her hand and forced her to follow him.
She was shocked and tried to escape but Yiğit wouldn't let her go.
Demir followed them but Yiğit turned around and said: Don't you dare following us!
Nazli tried to take her wrist out of his hand: Let me go you maniac!
But Yiğit dragged her outside the restaurant.
Finally he let her go when they were a few steps away from there.
Nazli pushed him and shouted: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! PSYCHOPATH! What did I do to you?!
She was talking with a shaking voice.
Yiğit took a deep breath: I told you stay away from him two times! You didn't listen.
Nazli screamed: YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!
He frowned: Don't scream at me! You don't even know that boy! You don't know his family!
Nazli shouted: I know! I know him very well! Do you think I don't know about his drug dealer brother?!
Yiğit was shocked: How do you know?!
Nazli talked in a lower tone: Everyone knows! That's why he's always alone at school. No one wants to be near him. Everyone hates him. He has no friends.
She sighed and a tear dropped from her eye: But no one knows that his brother has nothing to do with him. He hates his brother as mush as everyone else.
She started to cry: It's not his fault that his family is so messed up! He didn't choose to be in that family!
Then she wiped her tears and frowned again: So stop trying to protect me from him! He doesn't hurt me! He's just an alone lost kid that gets judged by everyone because of his family!
Yiğit listened to her in surprise. He couldn't believe that Nazli was that kind and open minded. She didn't judge a person just by the looks. And this surprised Yiğit. He didn't spend time knowing her during all the time they were together. They actually didn't talk to each other more than five words before that.
She pushed him away to leave but he stopped her by grabbing her arm.
She shouted: What now?! I'm going home not to see him!
He whispered: I'm sorry.
Nazli didn't hear him: What?!
He took a deep breath and looked at her: I'm sorry for judging you and him. I was just trying to protect you. I...
He licked his lips: I know his brother. I worked for him a few years back when I was desperate for money. He's a monster. I was afraid that he might hurt you.
Nazli was shocked. She looked at him in surprise: You worked for Serkan?!
Yiğit sighed: I did. But it was years ago.
Nazli sighed: Demir is not like him. He lives alone and hasn't seen him for a year now. He doesn't take money from him either.
Yiğit put his hands in his pockets: I'm glad to hear that.
Nazli frowned: You ruined our first date.
Yiğit frowned too: Yeah but I apologized!
N: Well it doesn't help!
She then sighed: Whatever. There's nothing I could do about it anyway. I better go home now.
Y: Do you have a car?!
N: Nope. I'll take a taxi.
Y: I'll take you.
N: I can go myself. What were you doing here anyway?!
Y: I was supposed to see a friend here. But I'm not in the mood anymore. Let's go I'll take you home.
Nazli didn't want to wait there anymore because she was afraid to see Demir, so she followed him without objecting.

Ender was in their bedroom sitting in front of the mirror cleaning her makeup when her cellphone rang. Savaş was calling.
She smiled and picked it up: Ohhh Savaş bey! I thought you forgot about me!
Savaş laughed: How can I forget about such a trouble maker woman?
Ender shouted: Savaş!
He laughed again: Okay okay! You're my peacemaker!
She smiled big: Good! How are you?!
She paused a moment: How is Yiğit?
Savaş smiled: We're both fine. I actually called to invite you for dinner tomorrow night.
Ender raised her left eyebrow: Really?! Is there a specific reason for that?
He smiled big: You'll find out when you come! I'll be waiting. Don't forget to bring Nazli with you.
E: Okay canim we'll be there.
S: Great! See you then. Good night!
E: Good night.
When she hung up the phone, Kaya went inside the bedroom: Who was that?
Ender looked at him and smiled: Savaş. He invited us for dinner tomorrow night.
Kaya smiled: That's great. I miss Yiğit. Haven't seen him in days.
She sighed: Me ,too.
Kaya kissed her neck. Ender closed her eyes and smiled.
He looked at her in the mirror: Our son is as stubborn as you.
She raised her left eyebrow: I thought you're the stubborn one!
He went to change his clothes: I might be stubborn, but no one can compete you in that!
Ender stood up and looked at him in surprise: Are you serious?!
He laughed: I am dead serious!
Ender frowned: Okay then! If I'm stubborn, you might want to sleep in the guest bedroom tonight!
Kaya smiled in surprise: What?! You're not serious sevgilim.
She frowned more: I am dead serious!
Kaya stopped smiling: Ender?! I was joking canim!
She pointed at the door: Out.
Kaya frowned: Don't talk nonsense Ender!
She smirked: You said I'm stubborn yourself.
Kaya threw his shirt into the closet and left the room angrily without saying anything.
Ender didn't expect him to give up that easily. She frowned and said: And he calls "me" stubborn!

At the middle of the night, Ender couldn't sleep. She sighed, got up and wore her night robe.
She first wanted to go upstairs and grab some water but changed her mind and went to check on Kaya.
She carefully opened the door and saw him sleeping peacefully.
She frowned and whispered: I'm here missing him and can't fall asleep without him, and he's sleeping peacefully like nothing happened.
She turned around to leave but couldn't. She looked at him again and sighed. Then she went to the bed and stood next to it watching him.
She watched him for a while and leaned to kiss his hair but suddenly Kaya grabbed her waist and dragged her in the bed. He then smiled at her and kissed her nose.
Ender was shocked. She looked at him in surprise: Were you awake?!
Kaya put her hair behind her ear: Yes Ender hanim. What made you think you're the only one that can't sleep?!
She frowned: Then why didn't you stop me when I wanted to leave?!
Kaya sighed: Because you were the one that threw me out of the room. I didn't want to force you to stay here.
Ender felt bad. She didn't want to act like that.
So she caressed his beard: I'm sorry.
Kaya smiled: Apology accepted.
She smiled big and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Then she caressed the back of his neck and ear.
Kaya stared at her lips and whispered: No matter what, you always manage to mesmerize me with that smile and those eyes.
He then closed his eyes and kissed her lips without letting her to breathe.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora