"Beta Jay?" I call to my beta.

"Yes Alpha?" He says.

"Continue the meeting." I say and leave the court room.

"Lucas it's Rose." Mother says.

Really? She actually made me leave the court to hear this. I roll my eyes and ask.

"What about her?"

"She needs you."

"How? Can't she come here?"

Confused of the fact that she can't come here and I have to go to her.

"She's in heat."

My eyes go wide. I can't do this. This is too much. We hardly get along.

"Mother I can't take advantage...." I start to say thinking of the fact we will have to mate.

"You won't. You just have to cuddle her or romance her or do something just to make the heat pass." Mother says and holds me.

"Okay Mother." I say. If we mated earlier she won't be having this.

"Bring his bags!"  Mother orders.

"What?! How long am I staying there?" I ask looking at the maids as they bring my two suitcases.

"She's a luna now so I think her heat will take 2 weeks or 3 or even more."



I screamed again. This is worse than getting your wolf and worse than cramps. I am even sure worse than delivery. Oh gosh.


"Welcome Alpha!"

Her family greet me. Well her mom does. Her father already hates me from the last time issue with the prom and now that too. Her brothers take my bags and I follow her mom to ger room. I am met by her sweet lovely smell. So this is how it smells when a woman is on heat. I look around her room. They've closed her windows and even as I entered they locked me inside. Claden wants to take over but if he does he will do something I will regret. So I shut him off. I see her in the corner of the room. She looks surprised to see me. She's wearing an tank top with pyjamas shorts. Her hair is cascading at her back in a messy way. Shows that she just got up from bed.



I see Lucas and it hurts. I groan and I'm about to fall when he catches me. He carries me to the bed. On the bed he hugs me. I start to feel a little better.

3 weeks later

My heat is still on and Lucas is still hugging me. Well he did pause but he made sure that he never left my sight. He switched off his phone to avoid disturbances. We were served breakfast lunch and supper in bed. I didn't even feel like eating but Lucas made sure I ate. Right now he is bare chested. I groan in pain. The pain is becoming worse every day. I start to move what I don't know is that I was as turning Lucas on. I saw Calden's eyes and Lucas quickly gets up from the bed.
He looks worried .

"Rose, I don't want him to take over." He says and looks down.

"Lucas you have to cos it still hurts. Please I don't mind. Please do it. Please Lucas. " I say and hug him.

His eyes flashed to a yellow way. He drew closer and he kissed me. And I must say it was a rough passionate kiss.i don't know how to describe it but at the contact of our tongues, alive and slippery muscle, moist flesh on flesh we began to do some form of battle. He roughly came on me and for a moment time came to a still as I felt that where we were going was beyond the present, outside time, with no memories and no future. There was nothing but obliterating sensation, thrilling and swelling. We both undressed each other as heat surrounded us. It seemed as though we were wrestling.It looked as if Calden had take over as he held my buttocks and squeezed hard, I yelped. He half turned me and continued to kiss me everywhere. I moaned. We were both clumsy, but too selfless now to be embarrassed. He touched very part of my body and then we came face to face looking in each other’s eyes. We began to made love and my poor old bed was to suffer as it freaked under our movement. After some pleasure of passion, the real reason behind all this was near. He leaned closer to me brought out his wolf fangs and bit into my shoulder marking me. I felt pain at first and I screamed as he held me close. But it stopped as though it never came. Then we collapsed on the bed. Oh my gosh I can't believe it. We've mated.

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