Getting A Job

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Jasmine woke the next morning with a pep in her step that she didn't have in what felt like forever. With Renewed Energy she started scouring the town for anyone that was looking for help. She told herself that getting a job was the first step and after that everything else will fall into place.

However, after searching for hours it felt like no one was willing to hire her. She had no papers, no proof of her being her own person, and it seems she also did not have luck. After searching all day in trying almost every establishment they were few buildings in this town she had not entered.

She was ready to give up and travel to a new town once again when she stumbled upon a building she knew she had not entered yet. It spans several stories into the sky and two large wooden doors we're quite imposing. Above the door was one single plaque that red the Roses thorn. Taking a deep breath she decided that if this place was not hiring and she would go elsewhere, this would be her last stop in this town. She did not even know what type of establishment it was but even if she could get a job sweeping floors she would take it.

Opening the door just slightly so that she could squeeze through she was surprised at the scene that met her. They were table set up with men's and women's surrounding them all drinking and then on one side was a desk with a man with a scarred face behind it. With that one look she wasn't sure she wanted to work there anymore. Before she could think to turn around and run the man behind the counter had already seen her." May I help you? Are you looking for someone to do a job for you? "

At this point she knew it would be pointless to just leave. " I - I was l-looking for work. I'm sorry to interrupt. " She hoped he would let her leave quickly and without hassle but her hopes were dashed in the next second.

" You said you were looking for work, what kind of work? " Killian and stared at the girl is trying to size her up and see what she was even capable of. He saw that while most of her looks soft her hands were rough and worn. "Do you do housekeeping? I find it tedious for me to have to do it all on my own, if you are willing to take a job we may just need your help. "He did not know why he suddenly wanted to help her, but he felt like if you let her go she would not be long for this world.

Jasmine felt like she was about to break. The tough-looking man in front of her did not look like the type who would be giving out favors. She wasn't sure if he was serious but she desperately needed work. " I would gladly be a housekeeper. May I ask what this establishment is? "

Killian was slightly surprised. The girl had entered the guild not even knowing where she was going. He was not sure if it was naivety or that she had no sense of danger. He knew he should have cleared it with Silas first before hiring anyone but he felt like this girl could breathe life into the Guild once more. Nothing had been the same without Morgianna. Not many in the guild knew of her true identity before she passed but everyone knew of little red. She was a no-nonsense type of person that had a mischievous streak. She was also someone that he and many others looked up to, even the leader felt that she was someone he could respect. "Well then, you have a job. Where do you live so that we can deliver a uniform once it is ready?"

With his words Jasmine froze her blood running cold. This was the part she wasn't ready for she did not have a home a place to lay her head at night or even a candle to light in the dark. " I do not have a place to stay currently I was staying at a nearby inn last night. However I will stay nearby until I get my first pay and then buy a home so you have no worries of me not coming to work. "

Killian frowned and began to rub his chin. The girl needed work, had no home, and ran headfirst into a building of mercenaries without a care in the world it seemed. "This will not do. " The smile that she was trying to hold on her face started to slip. She wondered if he would refuse to hire if she didn't already have a home. " Would you be willing to follow me upstairs? There is a certain matter that I wish to discuss with the owner of this establishment."

All Jasmine could do was nod her head. She did not know who the owner was but if talking to him could let her keep this job she would follow.

Silas looked at the blonde-haired girl in front of him with a frown. She seemed to be shaking in her boots but kept a brave front. He knew she would need more than false bravado to survive in this place, let alone the outside world. He was ready to deny her working there with a figure he had not seen in months appeared in his peripheral.

"Let her stay she may be stronger than you expect. " Morgianna I knew that if she didn't step in he would not hire her. There have been many perks that came with her new job so many that they could not even be counted. Her goddess lineage made her have a vision, a vision with this girl would one day stand beside someone she cared about. So if she took it into her own hands to help her she was really helping family.

Silas could tell by nobody else having a reaction that he was the only one that could see her. He looked back at the blonde girl in front of him and sighed. " Fine, you may start work in two days. In that time I want you to familiarize yourself with our rules and regulations. We will provide you with lodging and for your first week your meals. After that you will get your pay and pay for your own, is that clear? "

Jasmine was so sure that he was about to deny her, to send her away without a second glance. She wanted to leap in joy but could tell from his serious countenance that would be frowned upon.  "Thank you sir! I will not let you down for giving me this chance."

"Killian see that she is taken care of." He looked away signaling that they were dismissed. Jasmine did not care about his brusque manner she had a job now and that was the first step to taking back her life.

Word count before note:1185

I was going to have her meet some other guild members this chapter but ill save them for next. Can't have it be too easy for Alaric to find her, especially if say his best friend is already a guild member... Lol

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