The Party

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Jasmine wrung her hands as she stared at herself in the mirror. It was the day of the party and any minute Alaric would show up outside of her door and lead her to the ballroom where her family and the rest of the kingdom would be waiting. Her makeup was done lightly, the maids had known there would be many tears shed on this day. Still, she felt like there was an ominous cloud hanging over her head. She should be vibrating with anticipation of happy occurrences. Her family and she would reunite and with all the guards present the snake that hid in the grass would be caught and tried.

A knock sounded on the door and Jasmine flinched. It was time. Alaric stood on the other side dressed impeccably in matching colors. He wanted the world to know she was by his side, even if he hadn't said the words yet. Jasmine gave him an appreciative look thinking that he looked handsome decked out in blue and gold.

"May I have the honor of escorting you, my lady?" Alaric held his hand out a slight smile teasing his lips.

Jasmine feigned a shocked expression. "My dear sir I was already promised to another. Have you seen a dashing Prince anywhere?" She giggled as his smile turned into a toothy one, complete with a dimple on his left cheek. She fought the sudden urge to poke it and instead placed her hand in his reveling in the warmth.

Alaric pulled her close, her skirts brushing his pants leg. " Pity that I beat him here. This Prince, would you say he is more handsome than me?" Their banter and jokes had become a common thing between them.  More often than not riddled with secret questions and assurances.

Jasmine pretended to think about his question seriously. Her mouth wanted to tell him that he was the most handsome person she had ever met, but her mind fought her. Less than 6 hours and she would tell him how she felt then. "Well as a prince he would never be late to a party that he is hosting." Her change of subject did not go unnoticed, but Alaric did not mind. He saw the light blush on her cheeks and knew her answer.

Arriving at the ballroom doors they waited to be announced. They were fashionably late, so everyone would already be present upon their entrance.  Jasmine felt nervous, all those eyes on her at one time...still she held her head high, if she wanted to walk by Alaric's side then events such as this one would pale in comparison to those in the future.

Alaric gave a nod to the guards who pulled the doors open wide. "Announcing the arrival of his Highness Crown Prince Alaric and Lady Jasmine Pendegrass." Jasmine could hardly hear the man's words, her eyes scanning the crowd as some looked at her in awe, others envy, and then even some in disgust. There was a whole myriad of emotions flitting across people's faces and if she wasn't careful she would get lost in them.

"Just breath, I would never let anything or anyone hurt you." Alaric's warm hand gave her a reassuring squeeze and it was as if that one gesture made everything right with the world. Jasmine drug her eyes from the judgemental and jealous stares and instead let them fall on her waiting family. They were beaming so happily to see her and a matching smile soon adorned her face.

It felt like it took years to walk down the stairs, but the moment she reached the bottom her brother scooped her into a fierce hug stealing her breath away.  Her father stood behind him his face twisted as he tried to keep a strong face, and her mother, the ever-present strength of her family just smiled a serene smile.

She could tell that all the people present wanted to get closer, to hear what they were saying, and as if reading her mind Alaric turned to the ever-encroaching crowd. "This family is under the protection of the crown. I ask that you give them the time and space that they deserve. There will be opportunities to mingle later so for now we ask that you give them the courtesy that you would also want." He swept his eyes over all who were present, pleased when they had the sense to actually look ashamed.

Jasmine let her family pull her away from the stairs, noting that never once did Alaric step more than a few feet away. He didn't even say anything but his eyes held silent reassurance. 

For over an hour Jasmine spoke quietly with her family, every now and again a tear shedding between them. Their touching reunion however did not last as a guard came up to Alaric with an urgent message. The guard shifted his eyes between Alaric and the Pendegrass family, clearly not wanting to say anything in their earshot. Jasmine having been in the palace for several months could read between the lines. "Go, I'm with my family in a crowded room, surrounded by guards." She gave him a small smile as she made shooting motions with her hand.

Alaric wanted to argue that she should come with him and he would bring her back when he was done but her happy smile stopped him. "I will be right back. Do not leave this room for any reason."

Waiting for her nod he finally left with the guard. They walked back up the stairs and to an empty room nearby before the man started giving his report. "A woman was caught trying to poison food in the kitchen. She would not tell us why she was doing it, only that today would be a day to remember."

Alaric wanted to get back to Jasmine sooner than later, the woman's words only affirming that he should not leave her side for any reason.

Jasmine in the meantime was none the wiser of Alaric's inner turmoil. "It was definitely you who was the problem child. How many times did mother and father have to ground you?" The banter that she and her brother had was easy. It made her feel like nothing had changed even when everything had.

"No, clearly it was you. At least I never tried to run away only to come back within two hours because I was hungry." His words made Jasmine's cheeks turn pink as she slapped her brother on the arm.

She was just about to give him a tongue lashing he was likely to never forget when a loud scream echoed through the ballroom. It was like pandemonium had descended as people came running in their direction, pushing and shoving to get ahead. Her brother tried to grab her but before bus fingers could grasp hers she was swept away by the crowd.

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