Chapter 2

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I woke up to the shrill scream of my alarm clock. Groaning I rolled over and smacked it, the noise stopped and I rubbed my eyes. "Miranda wake up" I mumbled, she groaned and sat up. I climbed out of bed and walked over to my closet.
I changed into a blue shirt that turned white at the bottom, dark blue ripped skinny jeans, my white UGG ankle boots, and my white backpack. I did my hair into a French braid and curled the stray pieces of hair in the front.
I quickly did my makeup and put my phone into my Eiffel Tower case.
Miranda came from her closet and was wearing a pink v-neck shirt, white skinny jeans, white converses and a backpack that matched mine.
"You aren't gonna do your hair or makeup?" I asked, she had only run a brush through her hair, making it wavy. "No we don't have time" she shrugged, I grabbed my schedule and my keys.
We walked out of Winchester and into the school building . "Who do you have first?" I looked over at her schedule then back at mine. She had Algebra and I had Biology, "aw, well good luck" I laughed, I turned down a narrow hallway and into the bio room.
The walls were painted an obnoxious red that gave me an instant headache, the cream carpeting made the room even brighter. I took a seat at an empty desk towards the front, soon students started filing in. A girl with ginger hair and blue eyes sat next to me.
"Hi, I'm Lucy" she ran her fingers through her straightened hair. "Hey, I'm Stacy" I smiled, she was really pretty, she looked like she could pull off any outfit. The room got quiet when Mrs. Donatello walked in.
"Good morning class, I hope you had a good New Years but now your break is over." I rolled my eyes as she gave the same boring speech every teacher did. "Please open your books to page 54" she instructed, I pulled my book out of my bag and did as I was told. I got lost in thought about the advanced team try outs.
The bell dismissing class rang and I jumped, I shoved my book back in my bag and walked out of bio with Lucy.
'Wow this day went by fast' I thought, I strolled into Algebra, my last class. After art, film, history, and English I was ready to get out of here.
A boy with spiked up blonde hair and brown eyes walked in. 'Man he's cute' I smiled to myself and almost squealed when he sat next to me.
"Hey, I'm Stacy" I introduced myself smiling over at him. "Hey I'm Justin." he smiled back at me with perfect white teeth. This was going to be my new favorite class.
"What if I don't make it" I finally let out the question I had been holding in all day. Miranda and I had just gotten back to the dorm and she seemed totally relaxed while I was panicking.
"Stace don't worry about it" she grabbed my shoulder so I would stop pacing. "Lets get ready for the lesson" I suggested, trying to get my mind off things.
I picked out tan breeches, a hunter green polo, and my dark brown riding boots. Miranda had on tan breeches, a red polo, and black riding boots. "You ready" she put her hair into a ponytail and grabbed her helmet along with mine. I took my helmet from her, "if I have to be" I joked, we laughed and I grabbed my keys as we headed out.
The air seemed colder as we walked into the stables, I shivered since I was cold and nervous. "Hey, chill out ok you'll do amazing" Miranda seemed to sense that I had gotten worse.
I nodded my head and went to get Jay. As soon as I saw him my nerves vanished, "hello handsome" I grabbed his red lead rope and entered the stall.
His ears perked and he nudged my shoulder, "pushy are we?" I smiled and clipped his red lead rope to his matching halter. I led him to a pair of cross ties and clip them to his halter.
"Be good" I ordered, I paced into the tack room and grabbed his tack.
When I got back to him he nickered, and sniffed the tack. "Ready for a ride, boy" I asked, he nodded like I had trained him to, "thought so."
I got all the dust off him with a curry comb and a body brush, I picked out his hooves, careful of the frog. I combed out his silky mane and tail then put the grooming utensils back in the bin.
I slung his navy blue saddle pad and dark brown saddle onto his back. I attached the girth and unclipped the cross ties, sliding off his halter. I held the bit to him and he took it "good boy" I slid the rest of the dark brown bridle on and mounted.
"About time you got done" A harsh voice snapped, I turned Jay so I could face the voice. A blonde girl with ice blue eyes glared up at me, her brown and white paint horse sniffed Jay. The horses ears pinned back and they snorted, "sorry" I mumbled, backing Jay away.
"Yea whatever" the girl scoffed, 'whats her problem' I thought, "Ivy leave her alone" Miranda rode up beside me on her chestnut mare and shot daggers at Ivy.
"Why are you still talking to me" she threw a hand in the air then went back to grooming her horse.
"Come on" Miranda scoffed, Jay and I followed her to the indoor arena. "Who's this" I asked her petting the mares chestnut ears, Miranda smiles "this is Gingerbread Cookie or Ginger."
"This must be the ever popular Mocking Jay or Jay" she giggles as he raises his head at his name. I laugh along with her "in all his glory."
The arena filled with at least 10 horses and riders. "Alright everyone but Stacy, dismount" Mr. Connor commanded. 'What I can't go first' I yelled in my head, Jay sensed my nervousness and his ears went back. "Its ok boy" I leaned forward and patted his neck, I watched everyone else clear out of the arena.
When the were all gone, Mr. Connor turned to me, "when you're ready Miss Dubane"
I angled Jay towards the first jump which was a vertical, easy the other two oxers and a 3'5 wall. I had never jumped a wall before, taking a deep breath I set Jay at a canter towards the vertical. We launched over the jump with ease and we headed towards the oxers. We cleared those two as easily as the first jump, then came the wall.
"Ready, boy?" I took yoga breaths as we got ready to jump '3,2,1 jump!' I counted in my head then lifted out of the saddle and squeezed his sides.
We soared over and made a perfect landing, 'yes!' I cheered in my head.
Mr. Connor wrote something down on his clipboard and then grinned up at me.
"Great job, Stacy" I nodded to him and dismounted Jay to cool him off.
The other riders tryouts seemed to drag on before Ivy, the last rider, finished Mr. Connor walked out with her.
"How do you think you did" I asked Miranda and Jay rested his big head on my shoulder. "Pretty good, I knocked a rail on the second oxer but still" she shrugged, "what about you?"
"I think I did good" I responded, not wanting to brag.
"Before I tell you who made it, I want to remind you that only 5 people can be on the advanced team." Mr. Connor glanced around at all 10 of us. I nodded and Jay rubbed drool on my shoulder. "Thanks bud" I mumbled, he snorted as if to say 'anytime.'
Mr. Connor cleared his throat, "the riders who will represent Canterwood Crest are..."

Authors note
cliffhanger! sorry I ended it there bc I thought this was too long. Sorry if it was boring! It will be better next chappie I promise!!

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