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Birb bois pov

I walk into the UA grounds, and make my way into the auditorium where the lectures before the tests will be given.

While walking, I see a girl, with dark green hair, and frog like feet. She actually hops over to a group of people. I make her name out.... thanks to a dark shadow wondering around.

Looks like someone finally meets the eye Fumi hehe!
Shut it I don't have time for this.....
I know you want her name. Well I know what it is!!
Ok fine tell me we can share a meat bun if you do..
It's Asui Tsuyu! Her quirks frog!!

Well, now I know I'm not the only one with animalistic appearance, although she looks like she has it better off then me..

I go into the auditorium and I'm seated next to Tsu- Asui. I did not call her Tsu. Dark shadow keeps wondering around grabbing the people seated around me's attention. I look up and see Asui stroking him in a way I haven't see before... she is scratching his head feathers while rubbing his chin... you can see by his expression he loves it... all while I'm getting flustered...

See sometimes we share physical contact as well as mental. Eg, if someone patted Dark Shadow on the head, I could feel it. It's a one way thing though, apart from us being able to speak with our thoughts, we're connect and all so it makes sense.

As on now, I can feel someone scratching my head and my chin while getting rubbed on my cheek... it is pretty nice tho to have attention.. but it's also awkward.

I have to reach out and pat her to grab her attention.

"Umm- excuse me? Oh ok yes, can you... not scratch Dark Shadow's head.... I can ...feel it too..." I stuttered barely audible.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!! I didn't know!" She immediately stop patting his head and... hugged me? But I was still pretty flustered so this did not help the occasion.

Oooo someone has a crush!!
Shut the hell up dark shadow, nows not the time.

In all honesty, I don't know what a crush is..

She quickly let go, still apologising to me.

"I mean...it was nice..sorta..I'm just not used to the attention.." I say
"Oh ok! Dark Shadows really cute by the way."

As if on cue, Dark Shadow pops out of my chest responding to his name. Asui giggles and starts to scratch his head again. I feel my self slouch and make an..odd... noise like a purr... a bit similar to those Dark Shadow makes. And I blush.

Asui quickly realised what she did, and starts apologising profusely. I didn't mind it though, it actually felt really nice.... as I'm used to getting hit...

"Uh- anyways what's you name?" I question already knowing her name.
"I'm Asui Tsuyu! But you can call me Tsu" she giggles. Why do people giggle?
Ok I'm Fumikage Tokoyami, but since you like being called by your given name, you can call me Fumikage." I smiled.

Yup someone got a puppy crush hehe

Ok last time I'm being for hash now

Shut the fuck up dark shadow

Ok that worked

Just then, Present Mic steps on the stage.

Everyone just stared.

"Yeah!!!" Tsuyu yelled with he hands cupped around her mouth.
"Thanks candidate #4483 for not leaving me hangin there!" Present Mic replied from the stage.
"It's ok!"

Present Mic explained procedure, and where to go along with the different things we will be fighting.

A blue haired boy with glasses stood up.
"Excuse me sir, why are there four robots on here? This is a top tier school. It would be disgraceful if they made a mistake on the official papers"

"Ahh listener I was just getting to that. That's a 0-pointer. So even if you do take it down, you wouldn't get any points." Present Mic replied.
"Plus ultra!!!" "SQAWK!" Dark Shadow and I actually joined in with Tsu, because we didn't  want her to feel embarrassed...
"Thanks again candidates #4483 and #4482, and the bird!"

"It's good" I said back.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Tsuyu's PoV

We made our way out of the auditorium theatre thingy, and turns out me and Fumikage are going into the same arena!!

"Hey Fumi! We're going to the same arena!" I giggled.
"Fumi- oh ok. I like that" he replied, I think he was blushing to be honest..
"Let's get going then! Can't be late!" I grabbed his hand and ran to the arena. Everyone was waiting outside for the doors to open, so I was just chatting and waiting with my new friends.

I just realised I was still holding Fumi's hand...
I turned around and looked at him. Yes he was blushing... very hard. I could even see the red on his feathers!

"Fumi....? Are you... ok?" Or shall I let go?" I asked him curiously.
"It's..ok.." he turned his head when he said that.
"Oooo! Girls it looks like Tsu has a crush!!!" Mina yelled

"No I do not!!" I covered my red tomato face with my hands, dropping Fumi's while I did.

Fumi  just stood there, and tilted his head in confusion.

"What's a...crush? Dark Shadow mentioned it earlier today... but I dont..get it?"

"Well.. a crush is when you like someone a lot!! Like a lot a lot!" Mina explained.
"Oh. That's what Dark Shadow meant..."

Dark shadow popped out of his chest at the worst time possible...

"Squawk!" He flew over to me, and made a heart shape with his claws, then pointed to Fumi, and back to me....
"I think he's trying to say-"!Jiro slapped a hand over Minas mouth.
"Not ours to tell so shut it"

All of a sudden, the gates opened and Present Mic's voice boomed through a speaker.


I hopped through the gate, and scaled a small building witch my quirk. I hoped onto a washing line in an alley way, and hooked my tongue onto it, spun over it and launched myself into the air, landing on a taller building.

I could see most of the arena from here. I decided to wait u till someone had weakened the robots, and then I could take the last hit.

I saw a blonde boy had hit one with his laser, so I just needed to knock it's head off. I jumped down, with one foot aimed straight at the head, and the other bent up. I made contact with the robots head, and it came to stop as the head fell off sparking. 1 robot down.


I had defeated 25 robots and saved people  from the debris falling from the others attacks. I should have around 23 rescue points and 25 villain points.

I was taking a breather, when the ground suddenly erupted. Debris rained down on me, and an especially big piece of concrete fell on my thighs. I could make out the 0-pointer, the arena trap robot. My legs were throbbing in pain from the debris trapping them. I saw a flash of green jump up to the 0-pointer and knock it straight down with one hit.

My eyesight went all fuzzy and black splotches appeared everywhere. I heard some shouts, while they used their quirks to get me out, someone picked me up gently, holding me on my back and my legs. I felt so dizzy I could jut sleep then and there. I squinted and saw a black bird flying over me, I realised who it was, and I whispered one word under my breath.


And passed out.

Long chapter
1321 words (๑′ᴗ‵๑)I Lᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ❤️

A feather and a frog | Tsukoyami TsuyuxTokoyamiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora