A lot to take in

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"Chloe. No matter what it feels like I haven't forgotten you. I didn't want to leave you when I did. Please. I need you to forgive me..because I'll be seeing you again one day..really soon."

(Chloe Price woke up)

(She'd been dreaming about her former best friend Max Caulfield who had to move away right after Chloe's dad died, as sucky timings went, that one was pretty much the suckiest)


(Yep that would be Chloe's mom, Joyce Price or was it Joyce Madsen now? Her new boyfriend was a real piece of work who was obsessed with soldier stuff because he used to be a soldier or something, basically Chloe hated his guts, like a lot)

(Chloe stumbled out of bed and considered taking the time to wake N bake first but her mother wouldn't give her the time so she begrudgingly headed downstairs)

Chloe: "Hey mom. You wanted to talk?"

Joyce: "You're late for school. So I've arranged for David to give you a ride."

Chloe: "Hell no! I'll walk to school thank you very much!"

(She ran out the door and walked to school)

Joyce: "Should've seen that coming."

(Blackwell Academy)

Chloe: "Hello Black Hell."

Elliot Hampden: "Chloe! Wanna go watch the Tempest play with me?"

Chloe: "Nope."

(She stopped to listen to Skip Matthews' Band's demo)

Chloe: "Rock on, Skip."

Skip: "For sure!"

(Victoria Chase walked up to her, in that very bizarre way that she walked)

Victoria: "Carry Price!"

Chloe: "Nope."

(Chloe walked on the stage)

Principal Wells: "Miss Price the sign clearly states that you are not to walk on the stage."

Chloe: "Is that how it went? Huh. Coulda swore it told me to do whatever the hell. My mistake."

Principal Wells: "Do we need to discuss this in my office?"

Chloe: "Nope. Got it. Never walk on the stage again."

Rachel Amber: "Unless...someone persuaded her to."

(Chloe's jaw dropped as Rachel freaking Amber freaking strutted up to her like she owned her face, I mean owned the place, either way would be totally okay, I guess)

Principal Wells: "Miss Amber, are you suggesting that you plan on encouraging this insubordinate behavior of Miss Price's?"

Rachel: "Oh absolutely not, Principal Wells. I will..I will discipline Miss Price accordingly."

(Now that's the kind of discipline I could get on board with, thought Chloe)

Chloe: "Oh yes! Only another student..would understand the uh..disciplining needs of a uh..fellow student!"

(Wells just shook his head and walked away)

(Rachel broke into a giggle and grabbed Chloe's hand, leading her into a hidden corner outside the school)

Rachel: "We're alone right?"

(Chloe was frozen, unable to speak or even think, all she knew was that Rachel Amber was in close proximity and that fact made all other thoughts disappear since they really weren't as important)

Rachel: "You okay?"

(Chloe stuttered trying to form coherent words when Rachel smiled deeply and abruptly gave her the most magical kiss in all the universe)

(...so Chloe's thoughts were essentially MIA at this point)

(When Rachel ended the kiss, Chloe didn't even get a chance to begin to process anything when she saw Max Caulfield standing there watching them)

(What is it with Max Caulfield and sucky timing? Hey Chloe's thoughts are back!)

Life is Strange Chapter 1: Change Where stories live. Discover now