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I stared at the letter for a while. I had already read the contents a couple of times already, every boring detail, but you still couldn't believe it. An uncle I only vaguely remembered (And mostly remembered hating) had really left me a whole mansion? For what reason? Everyone in our family knew that I was the least suited to such a gift. Putting down the letter, I rubbed at my eyes, memories flooding to me as I struggle to figure out why this letter came to me. My whole life I had always been the black sheep of the family, as the youngest boy out of three children,  with my siblings both being girls. The differences only continued to grow as my parents spoiled my sisters and gave me the least attention, with my sisters growing into brats who threw their money at everything, while I became a thoughtful young man who found joy in using his hands to help others in mundane but difficult activities. When I was of age, I was kicked to the streets to fend for myself while my sister continued to be pampered, kept beautiful and alluring by my parents magic. Everyone in my family knew how rarely I stood up for myself. Entrusting such an expensive possession to someone like me just seemed stupid! Briefly, I considered handing over the mansion to one of my sisters... and then banished the thought. As I was taken advantage time and time again, I learned to look after myself just as much as others. Some people deserve a slap to the face more than a handshake. And my sisters are some of those people. They definitely don't deserve a whole mansion! Then the decision is made. I'll look after the mansion. I'll make myself known as a capable noble, free from the flaws and vices of my family.

Walking down the streets a couple of hours later, my spirits were low. I was told that the mansion would require some work to make presentable, and maintenance would require more than just me for it to last any amount of time. But the problem was, I had no money left, I couldn't buy even the cheapest slave. And with the mansion to worry about, how could I ever hope to gain more. The more I thought, the more I felt trapped. The more this mansion seemed like a mistake. Dammit! I don't want to give on my goals so soon after making them!

In an attempt to make the frustration go away and give me a clear head, a head into an alleyway and pull out a pack of my special cigarettes. Slipping one out of the pack, I place it in between my lips as I replace the pack with my personal lighter. I smile as the flame lights the cigarette, a welcome boost of pride. Nothing like seeing one of your personal endeavors into techno-magic working successfully to lift your spirits. And after taking a deep breathe, feeling the "smoke" enter my windpipe and lungs, gently massaging and tickling me from the inside while giving me a mild but pleasant "high", I feel even better. Breathing out a cloud of pale grey smoke, I freeze as I realize that I'm not the only one breathing here. It's gentle, barely audible, but nearby. I force myself to continue acting like I haven't noticed though, and place the cigarette in between my lips and pretend to scratch at my head, tilting it towards the sound in the process. I just barely see someone sitting against the wall, clearly some sort of beastkin judging by the shape of the head. They don't seem to have noticed me, thankfully, but I am a bit curious as to why they're here... Fuck it, worst case scenario, puff some smoke into their face then run like the wind. Hard to chase someone when your choking on smoke.

"Hey, what are you doing back here?" Approaching them, I can just about make out the tell-tale colours of a fox beastkin, but any other features of note are obscured by the low light of the alleyway, but I can now tell that his breathing seems a fair bit shakier than it should. "Trying not to fuckin' black out, for one. You here to scavenge what's left, pussy?" I'm a bit taken aback by the attitude, but at least he's not actively looking to hurt me, if he's even capable of doing so. "No. You get mugged or something? You sound hurt." "No fucking shit I sound hurt. I just got mugged by five people, all piling on the hurt. 'Course I'm fucking hurt!" "I can't tell, I can barely see you muzzle and your right in front of me! Come on, I'll help you over to near the alleyway entrance." "So your actually gonna help me? That's new. Sure, it'll be nice to actually see the face of my "Rescuer". Right now all I see is an orange glow in front of my face." Reaching towards the silhouette of his shoulder, I try to sling his arm over my shoulders so I can move him to a better lit place. I can hear a few hisses and a few more curses as I move him towards the street.

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