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Cassandra groaned and shifted on the bed. Who the heck is that? Why shout inside her bedroom? It can't be Rapunzel because she know her voice.

"Stop acting like a lazy turtle, Cassandra," the voice said.

Cassandra took a pillow and hid her head on it - not wanting the unwanted visitor to keep pestering her.

"So you're really going to keep being stubborn, huh?" said the voice again and Cassandra let out some muffled voice which the person took as a yes.

"Fine then." She heard someone taking a deep breath. "KING QUIRIN, CASSANDRA IS NOT ACTUALLY THE-"

With that, Cassandra quickly sat up straight and threw the pillow to that person as hard as she can. Although, she have a good feeling that she already knew who that person is.

"What are you doing in here, Jamie?" She turned to the window. "The sun hasn't even risen yet!"

"Yeah. I know. It's 3 in the morning after all," said Jamie in a matter of fact tone.

Cassandra felt like she wanted to grab Jamie by the neck and strangle her. Surely she can plan a quick murder, right? She can just bury her body at the back of the castle.

It's 3 am! 3 IN THE MORNING! She doesn't even wake up - not until 8! Who even wakes up at 3 in the morning? She was busy thinking on a hundred ways how to kill Jamie when the princess spoke.

"Oh, stop giving me that look. I'm here to help you," she stated.

"Help me?" Her eyebrows furrowed. "Do you even know that I slept at 1 AM just to read the books you gave me?!" She ranted.

"What?! Who told you to read them?" Jamie facepalmed. "Did you even read my note? It says, 'Don't read the books and sleep early, I'll teach you on etiquette at 3 in the morning'."

"Note? There is no note!"

Jamie snapped her fingers. "Oh, shoot. I probably forgot it back at my room."

"Where did you even get those books? Rapunzel told me that it were all hidden," said Cassandra.

"I snuck at the restricted section. I actually found it pretty silly on why they need to hide the books. But apparently, the last King before Varian's father have that silly idea," said Jamie.

"You snuck into the restricted section? Do you want me to get in to trouble with this books on my possession?" Cassandra snapped.

"Of course, not! I'll take full responsibility."

"You better."

Jamie smiled. "I'm not that mean, you know."

"Considering how you wake me up at 3 in the morning, you're mean," she stated. "Why even wake me up this early?"

"Because I need to train you early and the maid's are going to go wake you up at 8," she said.

"Could you atleast let me eat before we start?" Cassandra asked.


The door opened and it revealed Rapunzel, holding a tray of food and a huge smile on her face. She placed the tray on the nearby table.

"Here's the food, Cass," said the brunette. "Jamie talked to me before she entered your room."

"Now, eat," said Jamie.

Rapunzel and Jamie talked to each other while Cassandra ate. The two seemed to talk comfortably. It turns out that Jamie told Rapunzel about how she knew the truth. Now that Cassandra think about it, Rapunzel wasn't shocked when she told her that Jamie knew about how she needs help on the whole etiquette part.

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