4. mice suck

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Cordelia woke up in the middle of the night. Again. She didn't know why, but she kept dreaming about those weird things, like having to hide in the hotel bathroom while a bear came to look around. Those weren't even scary at this point, just weird.

She got up and into the kitchen. Right now, she wanted to drink some water, then try to go back to sleep. She opened the drawer with the bread and... wait, she didn't need or want bread. Wait... did she see something... move in there? She opened it once again and almost squealed. 

There was a fricking mouse sitting on the cookie jar. A small grey creature that appeared in their house out of nowhere. Cordelia slammed the drawer shut. What should she do? Should she wake up Charlotte? Should she get rid of it herself? But what if it jumps on her? Crap. 

"What the hell is going on?" Charlotte asked, coming in. Apparently, Cordelia shut the drawer too loudly. 

"There's... there's a mouse in the drawer..." she said, awkwardly pointing to it. 

"Let me see..." Charlotte said, opening it while Cordelia stepped away. "Oh my."

"I know."

"What should we do?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe we could hire someone..."

"Good idea. What do you pay a freaking cat?"

"Please... Maybe we could ask Marvin for help."

"Well, I don't know... You go there."

"What? No! I'm not going there," Charlotte said, sitting down on a chair.

"It's literally next door."

"I'm not going to ring their doorbell at three in the morning."

"Well, call him, then."

"Okay... Wait, no."


"You know how easily Whizzer can wake up and how angry he gets. He'll be mad at us for another three days or something."

"He can help too. Just call Marvin, please."

"Fine," Charlotte said, going into the bedroom to make the call. A few minutes later, Marvin appeared at their doorstep, holding a bucket and a baseball bat.

"The man has arrived. What's the problem?" he asked, then yawned.

"There's a mouse in the drawer... You didn't need any of that," Cordelia told him, gesturing to what he took with him. 

"A mouse? You couldn't have taken care of it yourself?" he asked, walking up to the drawer to look at it. "I mean, it's just a harmless little- holy crap," he said, shutting the drawer. "How did it even get here?"

"I have no idea. Also, harmless?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah, they suck. Okay, Here's what might work. We can take everything out, so it'll be easier to try and catch it. Sounds good?"

Cordelia and Charlotte looked at each other. "Considering we don't have another plan, okay." 

Once they slowly took everything out of the drawer, closing it each time not to let the mouse escape. Once they had it almost empty, they started to consider what to catch it with. 

"Well, Marv brought a bucket," Charlotte pointed out. 

"That's right," he said, taking it. "It's small, it'll fit."

"So we just open it, catch that little bastard, and that's it?" Cordelia asked. "Wow."

"Charlotte, you're going to open it. Cordelia, you put that bucket on it. I'll catch it if it's going to try and escape," Marvin said.

"Seems fair."

"Okay, on three..."



In a couple quick movements, they had the mouse in the bucket. 

"Yay!" Cordelia cheered, high-fiving Marvin and Charlotte. "But what do we do now?"

"Well, yeah, if we lift the bucket, it'll escape again," Charlotte said. Marvin was thinking about something. 

"You think I can carry the drawer outside and let it out there?" he asked.

"You can try. But it's big and heavy."

"Please. I once carried Whizzer to the dentist."



With that, he took out the drawer and effortlessly carried it to the door, where he asked Charlotte to open it for him. Then he went pretty far away, they couldn't see him in the dark, then he returned with just the bucket and the drawer. No mouse. 

"Finally!" Cordelia cheered, hugging Charlotte and kissing her cheek. Then she came to Marvin and hugged him, too. "Thanks."

"No problem. Now, I have to go back. See you tomorrow," he said, leaving.

"Charlotte," Cordelia said, sitting down on a chair.


"I can't go back to sleep now."

Charlotte smiled. "Okay, let's talk then."

A/N i always suck at endings, please don't be surprised

and have a lovely day people

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