A Few Too Many- Chapter 1

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Hey! This is my first story on wattpad so please let me know what you think, your opinion counts a lot. Also I know that alot of people don't like storys starting with songs/lyrics but I haven't just thrown it in there randomly it does have a purpose so read on:D!

'Today we are obliged to be romantic, 

And think of yet another valentine 

We know the rules and we are both pedantic 

Today's the day we have to be romantic 

Our love is old and sure, not now and frantic 

You know I'm yours and I know you are mine 

And saying that has made me feel romantic, 

My dearest Love, my darling valentine.'

''Blah, blah, blurrrh. Valentines day my ass, more like 'Singles Awareness Day'.'' I said as I recited the poem from out of the card I held in my hands. I looked with distaste at the only Valentines card I had got. How depressing. You want to know whats even more tragic about it? It's from my dad, he thinks he's got me fooled into thinking they're from some dude that likes me. He changes the writing every year and still never fails to put the 'love from ?', I swear he thinks I'm that dumb to not realise.

Its actually quite embarresing on my part, he's probably sending them out of pitty for me never having had an actual valentine, oh the shame. I set the card on my bed and lay down next to it staring at the glossy white ceiling which seems to have become the most fascinating thing in the past five minutes. ''I'll just lay here. All day. All alone, and embrace the young romance obsessed girl I am deep, deep down.'' I chuckled at the thought.

The front door shut with a thud making the whole house shudder, great dads gone to work and I'm left here with mum, little Gracie and the world's biggest slob Kaden Daniels. I know you have to put up with your families flaws and accept them for who they are but there are no acceptable excuses for hibernating in your room and only showing yourself when the word food is mentioned. I mean he's 20 years of age and still living at home with no intentions what so ever of getting a job, it must take alot of effort to be that good of a role model.

I'm just glad I can say different for my other brother Damien, we get along like a house on fire and he's my ultimate role model. He's 24 and is already a part of a big Interior Design firm not so far away from here. He lives about 30 minutes away and visits daily to check on all of us. Everyone always says how alike we are; we both have Ice blue eyes and natural dark hair, that was until I dyed mine ginger a few months ago. We inherited all from our dads side where as Kaden and Gracie have Brown eyes and lighter hair from my mums side, the laziness however is something Kaden developed all by himself.

''Immy, Can you come and see to Gracie for a bit?'' My mums voice travelled upstairs and into my room and I groaned internally. I didn't have the best of relationships with my mum and there was no particular reason why, I just got on a lot better with my dad. Since she was a housewife she was around alot so I guess we both got a bit tired of each others company.

I got up from my bed and wandered downstairs with the card in my hand and into the kitchen where my mum was ironing. ''What's up?'' I asked as I slumped on one of the four swirling stools around the island, ''Could you just keep Grace happy while I finish this last pile of clothes?'' she looked up at me with a pleading expression. ''Umm..okay. Is Damien coming over today?'' I wondered curiously, ''Yep, he should be here in the next hour.'' she said quite rushed so she could carry on with the ironing, 'Well i'll get out of your hair then and leave you be' I thought as I did a little jump off the stool and headed into the living room.

When I got in there I headed over to the window and placed my card on the windowsill alongside the two others already there then flopped onto the soft cushy couch behind me with a sigh. I turned my head towards were Gracie was in her bouncy chair and had to laugh when I saw a heart shaped balloon that she was holding on to hovering high above her head. ''Looks like you have a secret admirer too then Gracie?'' I said as I shook my head at my dads efforts, I don't think he will ever learn.


Two episodes of Charlie And Lola, one Mister Maker and next the dreaded In The Night Garden, I think I'm on the road to insanity, but Gracie seems to be having quite alot of fun watching me suffer. Surely my mums finished ironing by now, although she wasn't dumb herself leaving me to look after a four year old.

Just as the Tombliboo's were about to sing 'Akka Wakka, Mikka Makka Moo!' for the fourth time there was a knock on the door and I knew it was an angel sent from above, so there was nothing going to get in my way of getting to that door first. ''I'll get it!'' I almost screamed when I leapt off the couch and sprinted towards the front door making sure I dodged Gracie and all of her toys that were blocking my path.

When I got to the door I opened it with ease hoping whoever was out there would be my easy ticket out of babysitting for another hour. To my surprise all that was in the doorway was a mans suited body and a potential head that was covered by a bouquet of red velvet roses ''Erm, maybe you didn't get the heads up but I like lilys best.'' I said in a slightly disapproving tone but I had a smirk playing on my lips. My brother moved the flowers away from his face and you could tell he was slightly disappointed by what he was seeing ''Well, actually I was hoping mum would answer the door. I don't have anything for you except being the great brother I am.''. My face went blank and I blinked a few times before I spoke again ''Charming.''

I walked away from the door leaving him stranded outside in the cold and made my way into the kitchen, soon enough he followed. ''Happy valentines day!'' he greeted as he waltzed through the swinging doors and over to our mum. I grabbed a small orange from the nearly empty fruit bowl infront of me and started picking away the bruised peel as this whole scene unravelled infront of me. ''They're gorgeous, and my favourite! Let me just get some water to put them in.'' She gladly took the roses off him and very carefully placed them on the island while she filled up a glass vase to put them in.

''So get any valentines cards?'' I said trying to be smug while separating the pieces of orange from one another, ''Oh just a few, you know how the girls are; lining up around the corner for me these days.'' Yeah he had a flaw, a really irritating one, the only one both of my brothers seemed to share; being conceited. ''How about you Immy? Got any Romeos throwing rocks at your window?'' Once again the blank face returned ''Ha-ha, make fun all you want. Just know that your the one that's gonna end up alone in a nursing home; which by the way will be of my choice, and weeping about how you shouldn't of been such an ass on days like these.'' I said followed by flicking orange peel across the room and it hitting him swiftly in the face.

''Ah-a no swearing, your a lady.'' My mum interfered as she perfectly arranged each rose into the vase making sure you could see the best side of every one. ''I know, but that was acceptable for this moment in time.'' I replied before munching on the last parts of the orange in my hand. ''Hey, I was only joking, how come you aren't out with the girls or something?'' he questioned. ''Sally's out with her boyfriend and me and the others agreed to all spend this day alone and mourning in our lonliness.'' I rested my head upright on my hand and waited for what he would say next.

He seemed to be thinking for a bit then he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his brown leather wallet. ''Why don't you ring them up and arrange something, go to the salon or something. You might aswell spend money on something for yourself since you won't be spending anything on some dude.'' He outstretched his arm towards me which now held a few notes, I was thinking about it for a minute and hesitated to take the money off of him before he nodded his head gesturing it too me.

I did a little leap off the stool and made my way around the other side of the island where he was and took the money out of his hand before he had second thoughts. I gave him a small hug in return and said a loud 'Thank you' as I made my way to the stairs so I could get ready, I hope the girls are up for it.

A Few Too Many (On Hold For A While.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن