{Chapter 1}

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I stepped out of the carriage, thanking the driver as I paid him. I pulled my luggage out behind me, making sure to grab everything.

My shoes had splashed into a puddle, but I couldn't care less. They would dry eventually.

I turned to look at the school, Westview Institute. I had been there more often than my actual home back in Charleston for the last, well, almost ten years.

It was a charming place, with huge arches and balconies perched on the exterior. I had been dropped off in front of the main entrance and started towards it.

The grounds looked as any might, with gardens and ponds and endless stretches of lawn. There was even a small forest a bit north of the campus.

I reached out for one of the heavy wooden doors that reached at least fifteen feet into the air and pushed it open.

Beneath me were freshly waxed floors, reflecting the various ornaments and vases left around the lobby.

I gazed at the giant windows which provided light for the space. As I was doing this, Headmaster Washington entered the room.

He was an oddly old man, with thin, white hair that was cut quite short. He had a large, full stature, so unlike anyone should be at his age.

"Welcome back, son. How was the funeral?"

"It was..." I breathed deeply, not knowing what to say. "Difficult."

"I see." He nodded slowly, as if he was afraid any sudden movements would set me off. "Well, in any case, I'm glad to see you back." He reached a hand out to me offering a handshake.

I took it, obviously. Washington was the sort of man you could rely on, if not too much.

He stared into my eyes, looking for any sign I wasn't as okay as I seemed. He would find nothing of course, I've gotten too good at hiding emotion from my face.

He gave a grim smile and departed, leaving me alone in the huge room.

I looked over to the vases, inspecting the bright red petals sagging downwards, like they we're tired of existing.

I plucked one, wanting to keep it for myself, and delicately set it into my luggage.

I picked up my things and started walking towards the dormitories, aching for a bed to lay in.

Through the halls, there were pictures of various soon-to-be graduates, getting ready for the graduation at the end of the semester.

I looked at the names:

• Thomas Marksley

• Eden Manning

• Martha Manning

-Here I stopped and stared. She had been James's best friend... They had known each other for years, a product of our father's engineering. He and Martha's dad were close friends and business partners.

I made a metal note to check on her later, I needed to make sure she was okay, seeing as I sure wasn't.

Continuing down the hallway, something in my mind told me to stop, but of course, I never listened to that.-

• Rachael Levee

• Garrett Leigh

• James...


I looked up to his portrait.

It was so-

It was almost like he could be here with us, right now.

I could see his... His... Body... Lying lifeless on the marble.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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