Part Two. Take Us Back: Extended Version

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"I probably should go back to look out, tell me how she is when you're done Ruby." Said Aasim. Ruby nodded and watched him walk back to the front gate. Willy headed for the door too.

"I don't think I want to stick around and watch...that." he gestured to Clem's leg. Right as he was about to leave he turned back around and said, "but could you still tell me if she's alright when you're done?"

Ruby smirked, shook her head then told him that she promised she would find him and tell him how she was. Willy wasn't one for showing too much emotion but even though Clementine and him didn't talk much the last month they'd known each other, he still wanted to make sure she wasn't going to turn. He bowed his head then left. A few minutes later Violet returned with the items.

"I'm so sorry that took so long. I couldn't find the hidden stash of booze." She quickly walked over to Ruby and handed her the med kit and alcohol. Violet stood back and let Ruby get to work. Ruby gently put a pillow under her leg and opened the med kit. She pulled out some cotton pads, and bandages. Slowly, she pulled clems pant leg up a bit to get a better view of it all then she doused the cotton pads with the alcohol. She then started to clean around the wound. She stopped to examine the cut again.

"Wow, you did a very nice job with the cauterizing." Ruby said to AJ. "I'm surprised you knew how to handle a wound like this, but I'm so glad you did. She probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."

Ruby turned to look at AJ who was staring at the floor. He looked so little and so fragile. His eyes were puffy and he looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks. His clothes were still covered In blood but it has gradually turned brown as it dried to the fabric. He didn't respond to Ruby but only shrugged. Louis looked at AJ.

"Hey little man." He paused a bit. "I think it's best if you get some sleep you've had a hell of a long day. How about you bunk with me tonight huh?" Louis smiled his signature smile. AJ looked up at him and a tear fell from his left eye. Louis's smile faded and he sat next to him on the bed. "You want to talk about it? It might make you feel better."Asked Louis. AJ glanced at him but kept his eyes on the ground.

"I...Was so scared."

AJ squeezed his eyes closed to force himself to stop crying but it only seemed to make the tears fall faster. Rosie, still by his feet nudged his knee with her head. He reached down to scratch behind her ear. He sighed and laid his head onto Louis' shoulder. Louis accepted it and put his arm around AJ's shoulders. They sat in silence for a few moments before AJ spoke up again.

"I didn't think I could do this, Hurt clementine, but at that moment I knew I had too. When the first swing hit her leg she screamed. It was the worst sound I've ever heard in my life. But she passed out from it. I was so happy she did, I know that sounds weird but I couldn't stand hearing her in pain."

AJ looked up and over to clementine. Her leg was all bandaged up now and Ruby sat next to her still, listening to AJ speak. Clementine's body was still and some color had returned to her face but you could definitely tell she had been through hell and back. Another deep sigh escaped AJs lips as he fully remembered all the recent events he had been through. And the fatigue caught up to him. His eyes began to droop as he leaned against Louis. Louis noticed this and offered to carry him to his room. AJ barely moved when he attempted to nod his head but Louis saw it and scooped him up and brought him to his room. As Louis laid him down, AJ turned his head ever so slightly.

"You can stay with her if you want." And with that one sentence he was out like a light. Louis took his offer into consideration, he really wanted to stay by her side and wait for her to wake up but at the same time he felt that he needed to stay with AJ.

"After all that's happened to him," said a voice in the doorway. "I thought he would have passed out sooner."

Louis turned around to see Violet standing at the doorway. A small, gentle smile layed on her face.

"You and me both." Louis responded, smiling in return. Violet stepped in further and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I know you and Clem have grown really attached to each other, you should stay with her." Her thumb gestured to the door and she put her other hand on her hip. A teasing demeanor she had a habit of doing.

"You're as clear as crystal. I'll stay with him, make sure he's fine. You go on to your girl." She said teasingly. He smirked.

"There's no way you saw through my facade! I am a god and hiding my feelings." Both hands landed on his sides and he puffed out his chest a little. The look of pride washed over his face. Violet looked a little annoyed until a small giggle managed to surface.

"You're an idiot." She said jokingly.

"So I've been told." He responded, slowly returning to his former position. "Are you sure you want to stay? I mean you don't have to, it's just that I feel responsible for him... ya know?" He looked over his shoulder and at AJ who was completely gone in the dream realm.

"I understand. He's still a child. Why wouldn't you want to help him? You're a great guy and that's that. And I am okay with being by his side in case he needs anything, anything at all. You can count on me."

Violet put a hand on Louis' shoulder to reassure him that she was capable of looking after him. Louis nodded.

"Thank you." He said quietly. Louis opened the door to his room and left to go to Clementine.

Forever Fighting: TWDG Fan-Fiction Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant