Teruhashi x Saiki

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So like just to let everyone know I won't be doing lemons all the time, unless anyone request it.. So yea hope you enjoy the lemon.. And comment some things to write, vote it would really mean a lot, and follow me for more!! :)
It's a Thursday night and Saiki decided to go to a bar, one with hardly anyone around so he would have to deal with hearing people's retched thoughts. He needed a break from all of the work he had been doing at the coffee shop, he walked in and took a seat.

Saiki's POV: "Lemme get a shot of Hennessi."
(I spelled it wrong purposely cause I didn't know if I would get copyrighted or not.)
As the bartender went to the back and fixed the drink Saiki heard the thoughts of someone who
he hasn't heard in a while.

Teruhashi's Thoughts: "Awe man, so much for 'I can handle it on my own.' and 'I don't need my parents to make a living, I could do that all on my own.' (Complains in a winey voice.) Well look at me! I got laid off of my job, with no place to go, and I have a creep for a brother who I can't even rely on cause like, he's such a damn creep!" Teruhashi flops on the table and slouches her head down while the fifth shot she had token just starts to hit her a little.

Saiki's POV: "Well look at that, who knew I would run into little Ms.Perfect at an old rundown place like this." Saiki walks on over to Teruhashi after quickly taking his shot, he decides to tease her, so he snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He whispered into her ear "Hey baby girl, wanna go home with me?" She gasped from fear, "Tehehe clam down Teruhashi it's me Saiki, she turned around in confusion and looked up at Saiki while smiling in relief that it wasn't some creep. "Saiki! She exclaimed while jumping up and giving him the biggest hug.

As they break from the hug she looks up and says, "It's been a while since we last talked or seen each other, we should hang out sometime soon." "Yea we should." Saiki replied.
From Saiki reading her mind he could tell that she wasn't the same little Ms.Perfect that she was back in high school she had changed, although he didn't know how much she changed, Saiki could tell that he was going to like this new Teruhashi better than ever.

"So how's life treating you ?" "Ahahahahaha, it's totally kicking me in the ass!" Teruhashi said with a sad look on her face. "Tell me what happened, it's always good to vent and talk out your problems." (After explaining what happened..) "So yea I'm basically on my own for this one." "Ya know Teruhashi you could stay at my place until you get back on your feet, even though I live in an small 1bedroom apartment, but I can make it work." "Really Saiki, you're so kind I could just kiss you right now!"

Teruhashi hugged Saiki and as she pulled away he pulled her back in and said, "I like the thought of that," he knew that she liked him and meant what she said.

Teruhashi blushes as he caressed her soft blue hair and kisses her warm lips, as he pulled out of the kiss but still holding her waist tightly, he pulled her in closely, with both arms he breathed up and down her neck and softly kissed her neck while grinding up against her, and groping her ass. Saiki being Saiki he didn't care who walked pass or looked at them both, and Teruhashi was to flustered and had gotten seduced so quickly she had no objections about it either.

As Saiki pulled out to tease her a little he said "We should go home now, it's getting so late." Teruhashi still being flustered replied with,"Uh, huh.." They both got into the car and drove over to Saiki's house. (After they got to the house) Saiki opens up the door to his apartment, Teruhashi walks in and Saiki follows then shuts the door. "The bathroom is that way, you can wash up there, and since you don't have any extra clothes you can wear on of my t-shirts. Just yell for me if you need anything, okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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