Moon 36 August 21

38 5 37

(Sorry about taking a while!!! I will probably do slower updates from now on. Maybe one every 2-3 days! The stress of school just ARRIVING is a lot what will happen when it actually comes?


Ask for the discord link


A ranking system has been created! Now you need to agree on a name!

Monarch (Ruler)
Caterpillar (Heir)
Fatespeaker or Lunar moths (Council, previously known as blossoms. She-cats are fatespeaker's. Tom's are lunar moths)
Growing fatespeaker/Lunar moth (council apprentices)
Butterfly (Medicine cats)
Growing Butterfly (Medicine cats apprentices)
Dragonfly's (Warriors)
Grubs (Apprentices)
Ladybugs (Queens)
Fleas (Kits)
Crickets (Elders)

The  fatespeakers lead the group because they speak to the gods and stuff and can keep us in good favor. Then the most experienced one is the leader, the most experienced aftermarket is the queen.

Or we could have a standard monarchy and the fatespeakers take the rank as king/Queen if there isn't another one left.  The most experienced fatespeaker (lead fatespeaker) could do it.  And the fatespeakers are the council.

The most for child of the queen (and king is there is one) by 8 moons of age becomes the next heir

Patchpaw may now rank up into a Butterfly!

Brookkit, Beetlekit, and Lilykit can use the command /rank up to growing butterfly or grub!

Beekit must use the command /rank up to growing Lunar moth!

Since Irisfall is the eldest blossom/fatespeaker she must now become the newest monarch! use the command /speak with the gods to receive the newest mark of a ruler! Will all following leaders have the suffix 'fall' or will you change it to something else?
(These are because of major inactivity)

Stormy will be controlled by mintpelt1 until further notice

Alani needs a temporary owner.

Amber, and Tiger need temporary owners

The gods Wrenath, Frenai, Hecena, and Tuka were all together in a secluded area. "Wrenath your WHAT!?" Roared Tuka Wrenath laughed "You heard me right grumpy! I am pregnant!" Tuka glared at Hecena "I hate you so much!" he hissed and she just grinned back at him. Frenai seemed to be spacing out so he wasn't really in the conversation, oddly he mumbled.  "Starting a family..." while looking off into the distance. Hecena have him a pitiful look, the truth was, even though she was the goddess of life every single time her and Frenai tried to have lots together it always failed. "A family..."

Wrenath is pregnant with Riverrush's kits!

2 cats wandered into camp!

Deerleap: Long legged brown she-cat with yellow eyes and a white chest, 75
Hunting skill: 1
Gathering skill: 3
Fighting skill: 4
Inventory: nothing
5/5 energy
Ábharrach: A muscular, battle-scarred black-and-white Maine Coon tom with one ice-blue eye and one moss-green eye, 12
Hunting skill: 3
Gathering skill: 2
Fighting skill: 5
Inventory: flower crown (azure blue petals with light blue glowing tints)
5/5 energy

Please welcome deerleap- and Varulven15,  discuss whether or not they can stay in the rouges chain

Group stats
Total cats: 21
Bio toms: 11
Bio she-cats: 10
Pets: 4

Season: Newleaf (1/3)
Weather: cold
Prey: 29
Leaves: 8
Berries: 0
Seeds: 0
Herbs: 0
Border: 0
Sticks: 0
Event: nameing, rouges

Where the flowers bloom a warriors command game 2!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang