The Sports Festival Part 2

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Dad: <(Y/N... Karla. Good to see you again)>

'<(D-dad, it's great to see you again)>'

Karla: <(Sir, we had no idea that you were coming)>

Dad: <(Listen, I need to make this quick. I only have 30 minutes to be here)>

~But the food~

I got a bit excited, does this mean we can finally leave this school.

'<(Are Karla and me finally gonna leave)>'

Dad: <(No. You'll be here for the whole semester)>

I internally scream, but I didn't say anything, because I'm can't talk back to my father. I don't want to stay here, I want to get back to work. All I do here is learn how to be something I will never be, as a matter of fact, its something lower grade. My father walked us to a little building close to where the heroes took a break from doing security. On our way there my father got a lot of glances from students, random pedestrians, and even heroes. Kind of like how people look at the doom slayer in doom eternal, they looked terrified. Might be due to the fact my father has a kill count of 681 and has been seen to do the some of the most brutal kills any law enforcement agent is allowed to do. He's the pinnacle of the Kyntar, he's a 1 man army that's saved and ended countless lives. He's an absolute death machine, and he's my father... I want to be just like him.

Student: Is that?

Civilian: No it can't be.

Hero: I-its him.

Hero: Why is he here?

Once we go inside, he locked the door.

Dad: <(Karla, take a seat)>

As Karla sat down, my dad punched me in the face shattering my cheekbone. I fell on the floor then he stomped my head on the ground cracking my skull.

Dad: <(Don't ever be late to school again, you're in the Klyntar. It's an embarrassment!)>

'<(Y-yes sir)>'

As I was getting up, I wiped the blood off my face. It was black, the same color as venom. And that's a good thing, it means that our bond is deep enough that he's a part of my body. If my blood turns red, it means I'm not regenerating properly, and that our bond is weakening. This can happen if I'm hit with sound or fire.

Dad: <(Hurry up and sit down!)>

I got to my seat, the room was very small, all the windows were closed and the curtains were shut. We were at a small desk, my dad sat on the opposite side Karla and I were. She always looked sympathetic to me whenever my dad beat me. She is still beaten like every other Klyntar Kadet when we misbehave, but I get the worst of it. Maybe since I'm the squad leader for the Kadets, I would be platoon commander, but there aren't enough Kadets to make a platoon. 

Dad: <(Alright, first. Tell me if there's another event like this next time where you don't have to be there. So we can take you back, to do a mission if you can. But, only for 3 days max. I need you to be here in Japan as long as possible)>

By this time, my wound has finished regenerating. But I was still curious about why we need to stay in Japan. Their crime rate is not that high compared to other countries.

'<(Um, sir, why do we need to stay in Japan?)>'

Dad: <(I was getting to that. The reason you're here... Carnage)>

I froze after hearing that name. Carnage... I hate that word so much... Every time I hear it I get engulfed with rage though I never express it that much. 

Symbiotic family tree (My hero academia x male venom reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon