Long Time No See

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I walked out from under the bridge as the warm sun shined on my injured body.

~I can't lay there forever~

I began walking as best as I could. But my body was still in complete pain. However, I toughed it out and walked forward.

~Black Honda SUV... In the ally~

I turned right to see the SUV. It had tinted windows and no one was around. 

~This could very well be a trap but I got nothing to lose at this point~

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~This could very well be a trap but I got nothing to lose at this point~

I walked over to it and saw a sticky note on the left rear door.

Get in

I opened the door and stepped inside. There was a towel neatly placed on the seats as well as some bottled water in the cup holder.

'<{Lovely Hospitality}>'

I then heard a noise from outside. I turned around to see a door open and a man walk out with a black cap on with his head down to conceal his face. He was wearing a dark grey jacket and a white shirt. He walked over to the driver's door, opened it, and sat inside. He slammed the door shut, took off his cap and sunglasses then looked at me through the mirror. I saw as his face shifted from underneath his skin to reveal a familiar person.

???: <{You know, for a guy that took an explosion that close I'd say you look pretty good}>

'<{And you look pretty good for a dead man}>'

He was my uncle. I never knew his name. I didn't know much about him, I only saw him a few times but I never got to know him. All I knew was that he was in the Klyntar as an undercover agent. Before I joined he was reported to have died in an attack. But now I know that it wasn't true. He faked his death and he's still alive. As relieved as I was that I wasn't alone I was kind of mad. Several Kyntar members mourned for him. He wasn't that close to the family but he was missed by a lot of us.

Uncle: <{Well, when you fake your death you can change your appearance as many times as you'd like. Anyway, how are you doing kiddo?}>

'<{Oh nothing much. I got shot in my leg and blown off a bridge, nearly drowned, had to pull several pieces of shrapnel out of my body, I have a knife in my back that I can't pull out, and my life is basically ruined. But other than that I'm doing just fine}>'

Uncle: <{Damn, that sucks}>

He began to pull out a metal box from underneath his seat and pulled out a large syringe.

Uncle: <{Here, it's  a Symbiote sryinge}>

I extended my hand to reach it but I felt a sharp pain going through my elbow making me retract my arm. And so he leaned in closer so I could grab it.


I took the cap off and jammed it into myself. The needle was much larger that the average but I got used to the pain. I felt my wounds being sealed and the pain going numb in a matter of seconds. 

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