Chapter 1

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Golden Freddy relaxed in the sun as he watched Fredca playing with the other kits. She was getting bigger and bigger everyday. As Golden Freddy continued to watch, his back started to ache. This wasn't the first it happened. His back had been aching every so often. And despite Cinderpelt giving him herbs to stop the pain. It would always come back. Today it was much worse and Golden Freddy started to think that it was time to retire. Though he didn't want Freddy and the others to worry about him, he didn't want to hide his pain and have them get suspicious.  He got up and went up to Firestar who was eating fresh skill with Sandstorm.
"Firestar I would like to speak you privately," Golden Freddy said.
"Of course," Firestar said. Sandstorm nodded and walked off.
"What is it," Firestar asked.
"I have decided to retire."
"Really?", Firestar asked.
"Yes, I'm getting old and I feel like it's time rest," Golden Freddy explained.
"You have done a lot for the clan as well as the other clans," Firestar.
"Yes, I have also been through so much too," Golden Freddy with sadness in his eyes.
"What are you thinking of," Firestar asked.
"My brother."
"Freddy told me about what happened. It must've been really terrible,"
"You have no idea, I think about saving him everyday."
"He was going to kill you and your family, killing him was probably the only thing you could've done."
"Probably," Golden Freddy said. "But enough about the past. I'm ready."
Firestar nodded and went up to Highrock.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting." All the cats gathered around the Highrock. The kits trotted towards the other cats but were stopped by their mothers.
"I would like to announce that Golden Freddy will be retiring to the elders' den," Firestar announced.
The cats murmured with surprise. Freddy and the others looked with surprise towards Golden Freddy. Firestar nodded to him indicating him to speak.
"My friends," Golden Freddy said. "I have served you all for many moons and have been considered a hero to the all the clans. Though I miss my old life, the life I have here has been the best life I could ever have. And as mush I wish that my mate, Marionette, was by my side right now, I know that she's watching over me, and that I will be with her again one day. Thank you all."
The cats began to cheer his name.
"Golden Freddy!"
"Golden Freddy!"
When the clan meeting was finished, Freddy and the others walked up to Golden Freddy.
"I don't want you all to worry about me," Golden Freddy reassured them.
"We are not going to," Freddy said. "You've done so much for us and these cats, you deserve the rest."
"Hey, just because I'm retiring doesn't I can't help the clan."
Freddy smiled and hugged Golden Freddy.

Five nights at Simba's: Aftermath: Golden Freddy's final daysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang