my bad day

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okay so basically this is about the terribke day i had so you dont have to read this just saying

so basically it started pretty decent i woke up at 10:30 and had breakfast.

after lunch me and liam decided to go for a coffee date. which kinda went wrong which is the first of the two bad things that happened.

anyways me and him were walking hand in hand with out masks and being safe and all. and we passed this group of guys. we moved away from them bcs of the virus duh and liam noticed one of them staring at me so he clenched my hand tighter bcs hes protective bit anyways.

as we walked on i heard him literally behind me and liam turned around so i did too. anyways this fkn guys had the AUDACITY to say to my face. "nice ass baby" and i was so embarassed you have no idea how weird i felt.

so i said to liam just ignore it bcs he looked annoyed so we walked on and he ranted about it on the way home about how he wanted to punch him in the face blah blah so yeah.

i freakin hate men soso much. why do they even fkn think that they can say this stuff to girls it freakin disgusts me so much. it doesnt even make you feel complimented it just makes you feel weird and embarassed.

anyways onto the second thing.

i have this friend who goes on holdiays every year bcs shes rich n all. and she didnt let corona stop her from doing that. and me being a really cautious person didnt exactly like the idea but i didnt feel like it was my place to say.

so today she says (on the gc that we have w my other friends)
"omg so i went to this guys house today and i didnt even know it was his house. and his mum was so sweet she hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and we all had a takeaway together!!!!"

and i said "oh cool did you wear a mask?" bcs i was worried that she didnt which is me being a good friend right?

nyways she says "nah its fine"

and that kinda made me a bit annoyed bcs shes always like "my parents are the head of this corona research thing so they know everything about it"

plus me being a really anxious person was worried and annoyed bcs she wasnt social distancing or wearing a mask. plus our towns on lockdown again which means she shouldnt be going out.

so i said all that to her and she hits back by saying her parents volounteer for helping homeless ppl during covid so they know exactly whats good for their family and it was none of my business.

and i said fair enough bcs it isnt any of my business but i was just asking why were you not wearing a mask or distancing. and she said both our familys tested negative for covid which i didnt quite believe but i accepted it anyways.

so i was like oh ok but was it necessary to hug ppl if you meet up bcs the virus spreads thru contact
and this is me being paranoid abd worried as a friend should be

but she was like omg ur being so disrespectful and nosy this isnt any of your business bcs my family have worked so hard to help others and your talking trash on us blah blah when i honestly dont think i was

so i kinda got angry there and i said okay i never was being disrespectful or at least i didnt mean to and i explained to her that i was just being precautious bcs i am truly terrified of going back to school and catching covid and giving it to someone vulnerable in my family. and i told her that it isnt that hard to wear a mask in someone elses house and i explained to her that ik we all thought of it as a joke at first but now i realise its so much worse than we thought and youre acting like there isnt a global pandemic going on by not wearing a mask and not distancing regardless of whether or not your families have tested negative or not.

and i also said you might not understand how scary it is to have one of your loved ones vulnerable to a deadly virus which is why im just being cautious. i told her how scared i was to lose my little sister and plus liams mum is vulnerable too bcs she has had a kidney transplant which made her immune system weak which is why im so scared bcs i dont want to pass it to anyone i know or love.

so she straight up says your being ryde nosy and disrespectful to my familys choices

and i said im just worrying about you guys as a friend

and she says this is being nosy. worrying would be checking up on me thru private chat not here in front of a gc

and i said you just called me out in the gc by calling me rude and nosy and etc

and she goes but you called me out first and plus my parents are educated enough to know whats good for us and its none of ur business

anyways i was sick of it by this point and said ok fine whatever. if you dont want me to worry about you then i wont. maybe next time ill think before i care about someone

so she stayed silent and i ended up leaving the gc and we havent talked since. and i didnt want to have any drama bcs i hate it so i texted her on priv saying

sorry if i upset you in any way bcs i truky didnt mean to. i was just worried about you blah blah

she hasnt replied so im waiting for tomorro morning

i just wanted to know if you guys think i handled the situation well or not im really not sure if i was actually being nisy and disrespectful etc

anyways please let me know and help me out

but im gna sleep now bcs its been a long day i love y'all

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