Ready or not (dunkin quagmire)

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Y/n POV:
Hi I am Y/n Y/l/n and I am 15. My parents dyed in a car crash when I was a baby so I never really met them. So when all that happened I was sent to live with my grandfather inside the Quagmire mansion. If you are wondering why we live there it is because he is the Quagmire triplets butler. After the fire at the Quagmire mansion the only survivors were me, Duncan, and Isadora we were all devastated. We all were orphans at 11 years old and moving from place to place when we finally arrived at Prufrock preparatory. That is where we met the Baudelaire's Sunny the youngest, Klaus he was are age and was the middle child, and Violet the oldest who was 13. I could tell Duncan had a little crush on violet and that made me a little jealous because I have had a crush on him for about 2 years now. From there we got captured by count Olaf and whet to the VFD village where the Baudelaire's saved us and put us into a mobile hot air home. We floated in the hot air mobile home for a couple weeks till we saw a young boy who was signaling us to drop are ladder so we did. When he came up I started crying because it was Quigly. Quigly was like a brother I never had and was also the only one who knew about my crush on Dunkin. When Quigly put his stuff he saw me crying and immediately ran over and hugged me and I swear I saw that Duncan get jealous. But why? Did he have a crush on me? We all floated for about 2 years till we were back near were the Quagmire mansion was. We told Hector to let us off there and told him to go on without us because we had somewhere to stay down here. We all got off and walk to Justice Strauss's house because Quigly said Violet told Justice Strauss about us and told Violet to tell us if we ever need a place to stay to go there. We stayed at Justice Strauss's house for about 2 years when one day I was at the store for glasses Strauss and I saw some familiar faces. Those familiar faces were violet Klaus and sunny Baudelaire but this time they had another kid that was Jacqueline Snicket's daughter but Jacqueline passed away. Violet was finally of age and they had their own house so we moved in with them. That brings us to what we are doing right now playing hide and seek with sunny and Beatrice.

" Your turn to count Duncan!" Sunny said

" Okay ready 30,29..." Duncan said and started counting

I am mediately ran towards my bedroom in through my giant closet door and ran into a secret door that lead to a hole other room that only me, Violet, sunny, Beatrice, and Isadora knew about but it still was in plain sight. 

~10 minutes later~

It has been 10 minutes and I still haven't heard Duncan. So I decided to lay down on the bead that me, Violet, and Isadora decided to put in there and take a quick cat nap.

Duncan's POV:
It has been 10 minutes and I still can't find
Y/n/n anywhere. So I asked if Violet knew of any place that she could be hiding. Violet told me there was this secret door that led to a room inside of Y/n closet.

      I went to the closet and saw the door and opened it. I was surprised at how big it was and that is were I saw he laying on a bed taking a nap. I decided that it was almost time for lunch and to wake her. Y/n wouldn't wake up any way I tried because she is a really heavy sleeper. That is when I decided to try and kiss here to wake her up. If you were wondering I have had a crush on her for about 4 years now. I kissed her and she woke up and kissed back finally I pulled away and told her I liked her and asked her to be my girlfriend.

Y/n POV:
I woke up to someone kissing me and new it had to be Dunkin because Klaus is dating Isadora and Quigly is dating Violet so I immediately kiss back because you know I have had a crush on him for 6 years now. He pulled away and said " Y/n/n I have had a crush on you for a long time now and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?" Of course I said yes so we went down stairs for lunch holding hands and smiling.

👋 hey guys jojo here and I wanted to see if you want a part 2 and plz vote, comment, and request some more ideas with people from the list in the description.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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