Unrequited Love

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"Hahh," Makoto sighed. It was math class. She was busy trying to keep her focus on the teacher while stealing glances at Haru. Makoto enjoyed watching Haru doodle as the teacher went over the homework. She was always so focused on drawing. It was... cute.

Makoto shook her head. Stop it, she thought to herself.

Haru caught her. Makoto giggled at the smile on her friend's face. This happened frequently in math. It never got old.

Makoto often thought about the way she felt about Haru. She would get jealous of Rin when they would hang out often. She would think of Haru as pretty. Think explicit thoughts...

Makoto blushed. God, why. Haru is my friend. And plus she's not a lesbian. Wait- am I one??
"Hey, Tachibana-san," a classmate called Makoto back to earth.

"Oh. Uh. Yeah?" She replied, startled.

"I need help," her classmate told her.

Makoto smiled goodnaturedly, "Okay, what do you need help with?"

As she helped her classmate with math, Makoto imagined Haru watching her, getting jealous maybe. Then again, she thought it a bit childish of herself, but she felt like she wasn't just imagining it.

Then the bell rang for class to be dismissed. Everyone began to pack up their things, Makoto included. Haru finished before her, as she was almost always one of the first people to finish, and started walking to squeeze past her and two groups of desks. Haru's usual route to getting in line.

Makoto hastily finished putting her things away, her books, binder, and writing utensils, to join Haru in their usual spot in line towards the back.

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