The Elite:

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I was about twenty-one years old when I found out about the Elite, throughout my life I had no idea that anyone like them could even exist or that they existed, they were everywhere, all around us and they had their very own private exclusive group that was members only, they were the devil's right-hand men who stood by his throne as he commanded attention.
Growing up my parents had told me all kinds of ghost stories and my mother had told me about the types of supernatural experiences that she had encountered in her life but she had never once mentioned anything about a group of ghosts called the Elite so I went about my life being ignorant on their existence but little did I know that things would change very soon.

It was a late July day, it was fairly warm outside and I had just graduated from college after finishing my Level 3 Course in Veterinary. I had always loved animals since I was a kid and wanted to work and rescue them. I held my certificate in my hands and excitedly stepped into the house.
"Guess who graduated College?" I said grinning proudly from ear to ear.
"Oh wow, Zamah, you graduated? We are very proud of you," my mother said coming down the stairs. She walked over to me and hugged me. "Mark!" She called out to my father. "Our daughter has some news she wants to share with you."
My Dad hurriedly pounded down the steps and stood next to my mother Miriam.
"What is it?" He asked curiously, peering at me through his thick-lidded Maroon reading glasses.
"I've graduated from college," I said waving my certificate in the air. My dad took the certificate from my hands and carefully studied it.
"Congratulations," he told me. "We must celebrate this excellent news at once."
So a graduation party was held that July in my honour, tables and chairs with White tablecloths had been laid out in our garden, fairy lights and candles decorated the sitting room and a banner on the wall that read "HAPPY GRADUATION ZAMAH!" I looked around the living room happily with joy, seeing my parents happy made me feel happy. I was their only daughter so I wanted to do what I could and following my passions made them happy for me, it was nice to see that my family had come together to support me.
I went into the garden and loaded up my paper plate with different food items, there were all kinds of food such as spring rolls, pastries, samosas, buffalo wings, shrimp cocktail, juice, cupcakes, doughnuts, cookies and of course the biggest and most wonderful item was the graduation cake, it was a 3 tier cake starting with pastel Blue at the top, Purple in the middle and Pink at the bottom, it was decorated neatly with swirled icing and Golden letters that read "CONGRATULATIONS ZAMAH!" on the top of the cake. I took out my camera and snapped pictures of everyone and everything, it was one of the best days of my life.
That night as I lay in bed I wrote about my day in my journal, always writing what happened every day before I fell asleep so that I could keep a record of all my thoughts and memories inside a book, I loved writing and I enjoyed it I could have continued to write forever. I put the date and time on the top section of the lined notebook and began to write:
'Today was such an amazing day, my parents threw a party to celebrate me graduating from College and they brought me this beautiful pastel cake which was so delicious, I will never forget this day.'
I closed my notebook and clicked my pen shut, I lowered myself into bed and closed my eyes. When I woke up sunlight was streaming in through my window and I felt a light breeze blew into the room. I loved Summer it was my favourite season and always would be, I loved going to the beach, wearing neon colours and having fun. 'This Summer,' I thought to myself, 'I'm going to have the time of my life.'
I had no idea that what I thought could be so wrong.
I headed into the kitchen and ate cereal for breakfast, then I went upstairs and got dressed, I decided I wanted to go shopping today so I put on some make-up before grabbing my bag, and keys and heading outside into my car. I hopped into my car and drove to the mall, it was only a short distance since we lived in the city so everything was close by and I was lucky for it. I parked the car and decided to shoot a quick message to my parents to let them know where I was, I selected my father's name and texted him "gone shopping at the mall," I pressed Send. A few minutes later I got a reply he had written back "be back before 07:00 PM." I sighed he constantly treated me like a kid even though I was an adult and now he was giving me a curfew. I dismissed the message, grabbed my bag, locked my car and headed into the shopping mall.
The mall was fairly busy with lots of people shopping for Summer, it was quite noisy as well. I headed into the nearest department store which was Styles to scope out the latest trends for Summer. I busied myself grabbing clothes off the racks and going over to the dressing room with piles of clothes in my hands to try out. I slipped a Turquoise dress on which was my last purchase and opened the curtain to my dressing room, to my horror a group of people and a guy were standing outside.
"What are you doing?" I demanded. "This is the women's only section. The men's section is right around the corner to your left." I pointed in the direction where a mannequin was standing wearing a Yellow dress with Black stilettos.
"But we are women," an old lady in a bright Red cardigan with dyed Red hair told me, looking at me with amusement.
"Yeah, but those two aren't," I countered back. Pointing to an old man who looked like he was her husband and a young guy dressed in a Black jumpsuit with Black combat boots. "They are both men and shouldn't be here!" I pointed back.
"They don't count," the old lady said.
"Whatever," I stepped back into the dressing room and closed the curtains. I didn't feel like arguing with them, they seemed like a strange group of people and I felt uncomfortable around them, why were they in such a large group and standing in the middle of the dressing room for? It all seemed strange to me but I didn't stay long enough to find out why. I unzipped the dress and put my t-shirt, jeans and leopard print sandals back on, I grabbed my belongings, opened the curtain and left the dressing room as I went past the group of strangers I could feel them staring at me with their piercing eyes but I ignored it.
I paid for my clothes and continued to look around at all of the shops, after a while I felt hungry so I headed into the Food Court area. I ordered a Prawn Pad Thai with bubble tea and quickly ate my lunch when I saw the strange group again, they walked into a restaurant and stood inches away from me and started to stare at me and stare.
I finished my food and was about to confront them when I decided it wasn't worth it, there was something strange about them, they were humans but didn't feel like it. They were also the only ones dressed in designer clothes, everyone else in the mall was dressed more plainly, but these people had a unique air of sophistication about them but also a hint of creepiness too, as I passed them I saw that the guy in the group had a tattoo marked on his hand that read ELITE.
I wondered what it meant as I headed into the car park, I got into my car and drove home.    "Have you ever heard of something called The Elite?" I asked my parents the next day while munching on toast over breakfast.
My Dad took a sip of his coffee and winced because it was too hot. "No, what is that?" He asked me.
"I don't know," I replied. "Just a tattoo I saw on somebody's hand."
My Dad shrugged his shoulders. "It could be anything don't worry about it too much, tell us more about your plans for University."
I reached for the pitcher and poured myself a glass of pineapple juice and took a sip. "I don't know yet," I said. "I want to go to University but I don't know which one yet."
"Well, you still have 2 months left to decide before Autumn rolls around," my mother said taking a bite out of her lemon muffin.
"Well Roxwell offers my course but the teaching there isn't great," I said. "I read all the reviews about it."
"It's up to you," my father said. "We can drive by later and take some University brochures home along the way."
"Sound's great," I said. I finished off my toast and went over to the sink to wash my plate, as I started washing it I looked outside and saw the same man I had seen yesterday at the mall. He was standing on the lawn peering in through the window. I stared back at him in anger and annoyance. Who was he? And why was he trespassing? He was invading my privacy. I finished washing the dish and turned to look at my parents.
"There's a man outside on our lawn," I said, looking over to the window.
"Really? What's he doing?" My mother asked.
"Nothing, just creepily staring at us," I said pretending that it didn't bother me even though it did.
"I'll have a look," my father finished off his coffee and went over to the sink and looked out of the window, the kitchen overlapped our front yard so we could see the neighbourhood and other people's houses outside and it gave us a great view but as my father scanned the area looking at the houses, our trees and rosebushes the man wasn't there anymore.
"There's nobody there? Are you sure it wasn't just a vision?" My father asked me walking away from the kitchen sink.
"No!" I argued. "He was standing right there next to those rose bushes," I pointed my finger in the direction of our bushes outside Pink, White & Yellow roses had blossomed into full bloom.
"Well whoever he was, he's gone now," my father said shrugging his shoulders in a 'sorry I can't help you, it's not my problem' type of way. I felt annoyed, who was this guy and how did he even know where I lived? A feeling of panic entered my mind. 'I must have been followed home,' I thought about telling my parents but all they could care about was my education and weren't interested in knowing about anything else.
I went upstairs and locked my bedroom door. I sat in my bedroom, alone in privacy so I could think of what to do, then I thought about the word Elite on the man's hand and decided to research it, I opened my laptop, pressed the Power Key and waited for it to start up. Once my laptop had loaded I clicked on Google and typed Elite into the search bar and clicked the Enter key. Lots of different results came up; a TV show on Netflix, some B Movie thriller...but nothing that connected to the tattoo on the man's hand, sighing I decided to press the Back Key but just as I was about to log off my phone pinged and I got a text message.
I grabbed my phone, swiped to unlock it with my finger, and read the message. It was from an unknown number that I didn't recognise, it read "why are you trying to find out about us?" I looked at the message confused as I read it a few times over in my mind and wondered what it meant and who had gotten my number since I didn't even like talking to people.
"Who is this? I don't know what you're talking about?" I replied and pressed Send.
A few minutes later I got a response back.
"You don't want to mess with us!"
I stared at the message in shock. Somebody was threatening me and I had no idea who it was or why they were doing it but I wanted to find out.
"Why are you threatening me for? Who are you and how do you have my number?" I demanded.
I waited for a message but didn't get one, 1 hour went by and I still received no answer. 'Probably was a scammer,' I thought to myself. I unlocked my phone again and was about to delete the message thread when I got a message again.
"We are Elite, we are Satan's army. Don't mess with us or you will die!"
I dropped my phone onto the bed and felt a cold shiver run down my spine. I felt like I knew who it was but I didn't know how it was possible. The guy from the mall that I had seen with that group of people somehow had gotten my number and was texting me threatening messages but how he had gotten my number I had no idea. I thought about it a lot when I felt someone whisper in my ear. "We know everything about you and what you are thinking of," a deep voice said.
I turned around expecting to see somebody but it was just me all alone in my bedroom but the voice I had heard had come from my bedroom except it wasn't possible because I was the only one in the room and my parents were downstairs and didn't sound like that either. "What the hell?" I yelled out to nobody in particular. "What do you want from me?" I had this creepy feeling like I was being watched but I brushed it aside because I wasn't paranoid and never wanted to be. Elite sounded cool but also dangerous, yet I wanted to know more about them.
"You are interested in us, aren't you?" The voice interrupted my spiral of thoughts and crazily enough as I was I listened and started talking to it. The voice turned out to be the guy that I had seen from the mall, he was with his family and they were all a part of the Elite, they happened to be the most powerful group of ghosts called Irfit in Arabic, they could fly, breathe underwater, read people's minds and also teleport to wherever they wanted to go to, they could also bend time and reality using their magical powers, suddenly I found myself becoming interested in them and I had the crazy I thought about joining them too if only I knew what I was getting into to because once you join Elite, you can never go back.
"How do I join?" I asked the voice in my head.
"You don't join Elite, we choose you!" The voice responded.
"How do you know if you are the chosen one?" I asked.
I didn't get a reply but just as I turned away I noticed a shadow and saw outside my window that a man was hovering outside in the air, he had Black wings. I felt a pang of fear in my heart, it was the same man from the mall and now he was floating outside of my window, it was the scariest and most surreal thing I had ever seen.
"Open the window," the man told me in my head.
Stupidly enough I decided to listen, I needed a break from my boring life so boldly enough I got off my bed, crossed the room and pushed the window open and the man entered the room.
"Hold on tightly," he told me and suddenly he lifted me into his arms and flew me out of the open window, I screamed for help in panic but we were too high and nobody could hear me, I couldn't help but wonder what people passing by must have thought if they saw a flying man carrying a woman in the sky. It was the type of thing you saw in fantasy movies, not in real life.
"Nobody can see me, I am invisible to them," the man reassured me in my mind. I wondered to myself how he could communicate with me like that without having to talk. I was being kidnapped by a man who I realised was not a human being; he was a member of Satan's Army - Elite.
We flew several miles passing buildings, and trees; I could see my city and all the people looked like tiny ants as we flew past them. We kept flying until now it was sunset and bats had started to join us in the Orange evening sky as the sun started to set. I felt scared for myself wondering what he would do and where he was taking me but also I felt this thrill of excitement because flying was fun and now I knew what the birds in the sky felt like and how much freedom they had flying.
I felt tired so I closed my eyes and fell into a deep trance.

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