New Interests

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Hinata - When I let go of the bar I feel the wind start to blow in my face. All of a sudden a hand grabs me and pulls me back over the rail. We both fall down and I end up on top of the person. I gain my composure and I am able tell that it was Ushijima, the captain of Shiratorizawa's volleyball club.

"W..why?" I ask.

"Well I was running by and I happened to see you go into the school. I followed and I guess you owe me one," he says sheepishly.

I push him and get up.

" WHY DOES NOTHING EVER G...go right. I can't even kill myself," I sob. Ushijima grabs me and pulls me into his chest and let's me cry on his shoulder for a while. When I push away from him gently he looks down at me and smiles.

" Feeling better?" He asks me.
" Y...yeah," I say sniffling. He kisses my forehead and blushes. I put my face back into him while I burn up from blushing. We both get up and go down while holding hands. He walks me home and leaves me at the door. I grab him by the hand before he turns around and get on my tip toes to reach his lips. He realizes my struggle as I blush and he picks me up and kisses me. His lips were soft and rough. We pull away from each other and blush. He puts me down and kisses my forehead and watches me go inside.

For the first time I came home and didn't look for my blades. Instead I went to bed and slowly dozed off to sleep. The next morning I wake up and got dressed with a smile. I knew I wasn't going to be able to see Ushijima until after school but I couldn't wait.

School passes by and it's time for practice.

" We will be having a practice game with Shiratorizawa today so do a lap around the school as a warm up," said coach Ukai. I smiled in excitement and rushed off to the bathroom to change and do my lap. When I am about to finish my lap I feel a hand grabs mines. I turn and look up to see Ushijima. He drags me over to a place between two of the buildings and starts to kiss me. I kiss back until we hear voices.

" Where's Ushijima, it's unusual for him to disappear like that, " says someone who I couldn't tell who it was.
" Yeah same with Hinata he doesn't usually disappear like that," says Noya.

Their voices start to fade and me and Ushijima start to chuckle. We go back to kissing and we are interuppted.

"H....Hinata," I turn to see Kageyama staring at us.

Kageyama - I hear people talk about Hinata and Ushijima. I find it unusual so I go look for them. I turn a corner and I stop in my steps. I see Hinata and Ushijima kissing against the wall.

"H.....Hinata," I say. They both turn to look at me.

"Why....WHY are you with Ushijima," I say deciding whether to yell or stay calm.

I attract attention and pretty soon both team are staring at me, Hinata, and Ushijima.

Hinata - After Kageyama sees he attracts attention and everyone is staring at us. Ushijima puts me down and holds my hand as we walk to the gym. Kageyama stand in front of our way and looks in pain with his face.

"I'm sorry Kageyama, but the moment you chose someone over me it was over. Now I have someone new," I respond to his question. Everyone stares at us as me and Ushijima walk by. As everybody walks off Kageyama stays frozen.

I felt bad, but not as bad as he made me felt. When we walk into the gym. Ushijima kisses my fore head and turn around as he walks off and says, " Your my good luck charm."

" I don't know about that one cuz we will win," I chuckle in response.

" Hey, Hinata. I didn't know you were dating Ushijima," says Suga constantly questioning me. The whole team starts to question me and the Kageyama finally decides to walk in. He rushes towards me and grabs my hand and drags me into the school into a classroom that's empty.

He pushes me against the teachers desk and tried to kiss me and take my shirt off.

"S...stop Kageyama!" I say as I struggle to try and get him off of me, but it's no use. He takes .y shirt off and stares at the cuts on my arm.

" W...why, why do you h..have c...cuts on your arm," he says afraid of the answer I was about to give him.

" Because of you. Yesterday I decided to commit suicide, but Ushijima stopped me. Ik sorry Kageyama I can't forgive you, especially since your first time wasn't with me." I say as calmly as possible.

I look over to see our team stunned in front of the doorway. They sob to the fact that I cut myself and my suicide attempt. Ushijima rushes through the door and pushes Kageyama off of me. Ushijima takes me to the bathroom and let's me cool down for a bit. He sits on the toilet seat and he lets me sit on top of his lap and we snuggle for 5 minutes and then we head to the gym.

When we come back the games has started and Kageyama is sitting on the bench with Oikawa who had come to watch his game. Ushijima and I part ways and get ready to join in on the game.

~Time Lapse~

The game has finished and everyone congratulated me and Ushijima on our relationship. The others comfort Kageyama. Ushijima takes me home and kisses me goodbye. In the corner of my eye Oikawa appears with a knife and threatens me.

" Come with me unless you want to die," he threatened me as he held the knife to my throat. He asked me to take him to my room. I forgot that my mom and sister were out of town for the weekend so I wasn't going to have help. He uses rope he finds in my room and ties my hands.

"Well, well, well. Would you look here it's Hinata. You know I'm starting to get pretty pissed off with you. Kageyama doesn't even pay attention to me anymore and always talks about you, you and YOU!" He says while waving the knife around

" You can have him cuz I don't want him," I respond.

" Well tonight is going to be fun," he smirks. He rubs the knife up and down my chest and starts to lick my nipples. His tounge swirls around them. He starts to move down and put my dick in his mouth. I cum inside and start to sob.

"S..stop please, I beg of you," I say while hating the sounds that come out my mouth.

" Haha, as amusing as it is I won't stop until you do one thing for me. If you don't I'll hurt Ushijima, " he chuckles.

"What is it, I'll do anything," I respond.

"........ Say I love you Oikawa and spread your legs out and ask me to fuck you till your brains fall out," he laughs as he stares at my face with rolling tears. I cry and then I decide to do it so that Ushijima doesn't get hurt.

" I..I love you Oikawa, please f...fuck my brains out," I manage to say as I spread my legs. He laughs and sticks his large cock into my butt and thrusts into me.

" H....Hinata," I turn to see Ushijima at the door. He turns around and starts to walk off.

"W...wait USHIJIMA," I scream as I try to throw Oikawa off of me. He pins me down and thrusts into me over and over again. He misunderstood but I couldn't help but to think I was the worst person in the world. I lied there not crying but sitting there with no emotion at all. I felt dead inside then everything turned black.

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