"What are you watching?" Alejandro asked.

There was a blond man and an Asian man talking at a table, surrounded by prison inmates.

"Banana Fish. I saw Kairi watching it," Maiya responded with her eyes glued to the screen.

Banana Fish? What kind of show was called Banana Fish?

(spoiler alert. probably about 7-8 paragraphs-indents. skip if u need to)

Alejandro shrugged his thoughts away and decided to watch it with her. It seemed pretty interesting. The blond man's name was Ash and the Asian boy's name was Eiji. Alejandro's eyes widened when they started to kiss and his head whipped to the side. Maiya's face was nonchalant as she watched the show. Alejandro thought that she would at least cringe when the scene occurred but she actually gasped and awed at the sight.

"What are you looking at? Do I have something on my face?" Maiya questioned.

"No, I just thought you would cringe when they kissed," Alejandro said sheepishly.

"Oh please. I've shot people and watched hundreds die right before my very eyes. It's not like I can't handle some anime dudes kissing. Besides, my brother is gay and I heard Robert and Taylor having-" Maiya scoffed but was interrupted.

"Ok, I've heard enough. I thought she put headphones on you but I guess not. Gross," Alejandro gagged.

Maiya laughed and Alejandro smiled. The veil of awkward tension was lifted off his shoulders. They were pretty chill with each other now.

They binged the show, nearly finishing it. There were 24 episodes in total, approximately 20 minutes each. It was 9 pm when they finally finished the series. The room was quiet with shock.

"I can't believe this! What the hell! Ash and Eiji belong together! THIS IS BULLSHIT!" Maiya ranted as the end credits rolled.

"I know right! Did Ash even die in the fucking library? We'll never know because they won't make a season two. AND EIJI ALREADY BOUGHT HIM A PLANE TICKET SO HE HAD TO GO TO JAPAN. HE JUST HAS TO," Alejandro huffed.

They spilled their obvious discontentment towards the ending, angry tears escaping their eyes. Alejandro pulled out his phone and rapidly typed something, throwing the device down in rage afterwards.

"What was that about?" Maiya snorted, wiping her eyes with a tissue.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God. So basically, the producers or directors weren't allowed to make a story where gay people have a happy ending. Ash and Eiji were actually supposed to be together in the end," Alejandro sputtered.

"It's the homophobia in Japan for me," Maiya fumed.

(end of spoilers)

They laughed and rose up, stretching after sitting for so long. Alejandro picked up his phone, eyebrows raised when he discovered that there were no cracks. He decided to make dinner while Maiya showered. Alejandro played some music while he cooked, belting out the lyrics.

Alejandro was making tempura and sushi, in honor of Banana Fish. Since there was no seaweed/nori, Alejandro made sushi balls consisting of avocado, rice, and shrimp. He decided that it was good enough and focused on frying vegetables and fish for his tempura whilst humming to "Leave Em Alone."

Maiya came into the kitchen with her hair sticking up in every direction after being blow-dried.

"Your singing sucks," Maiya commented, trying to smooth her hair down.

"Excuse me? Says the one looking like one of the trees in the Lorax," Alejandro sneered as he pointed at her poofy hair.

"Hey, I was just giving you some constructive criticism. Learn to sing better before you bust someone's eardrums with your screeching," Maiya fired back.

"Come here you little shit," Alejandro hissed and lunged at her.

They playfully fought, pushing and shoving each other away. Alejandro held Maiya's wrists after she tried to scratch him and she was about to knee him in the balls when "that part" of the song came. They separated and took a deep breath.

"Jack Rabbit when he put dick in it. How you nut and you barely put the tip in it?" They sang. Alejandro was using a spoon as a microphone and Maiya was using her hairbrush. They were simply vibing, rapping the lyrics with passion.

Kairi was tired after hearing so many lectures from his professors. His hand was aching from taking strenuous notes and all he wanted to do was eat and sleep. Just as he opened the door, Flo Milli blasted his ears and he nearly doubled over at the sight.

Maiya and Alejandro, absolutely feeling themselves as they were singing, like they were the baddest bitches in the world. Kairi locked the door behind him as the song ended. Alejandro and Maiya were out of breath, gasping when they noticed that Kairi arrived.

"That was some performance," Kairi chuckled as he gave Maiya a hug.

He kissed Alejandro on the cheek and walked into the kitchen, inhaling the aroma on Japanese dishes. Kairi showered and they ate dinner. He was relieved to see that Maiya was getting along with Alejandro.

Kairi and Maiya washed the dishes while Mattia cleaned the table and the living room. As Alejandro was throwing away some stray candy wrappers, his phone dinged. Alejandro pulled out his phone and saw that he received a text message.

His eyes widened and his phone clattered out of his hand. Alejandro knew that this day would come but not so sudden.

"What's wrong?" Maiya asked once she saw Alejandro's distressed state.

"It's nothing," Alejandro stammered and shoved his phone back into his pocket.

Maiya's eyes narrowed; she could tell that Alejandro was lying. The first thing that popped into her mind was that Alejandro was cheating. There was no way that she would let Kairi get heartbroken like that.

"Kairi! Alejandro got a message and he's acting really suspicious," Maiya called out.

Alejandro mentally facepalmed himself. He wasn't ready to tell Kairi yet.

Kairi walked into the kitchen, drying his hands with a paper towel.

"Don't worry about it, Maiya. It's probably something about missions," Kairi said, dismissing the subject. Although Kairi did worry. Something awful bubbled in his gut, like a warning before the storm. Or maybe it was just because he ate too much sushi balls.

"I'm pretty sure Alejandro wouldn't react like that if it was just a mission," Maiya pressed. She was doubtful. If Alejandro was a mafia boss then he would be familiar with a mission text. This was somethig else.

"It's nothing! Really," Alejandro said with an exasperated tone.

"If it's nothing, then why won't you tell us?" Maiya pointed out.

"Maiya! Leave him alone. He can tell us if he wants to but don't force it on him," Kairi fussed.

Alejandro looked at Maiya's skeptical face and then at Kairi. He couldn't keep secrets towards his Kairi.

"Kairi, you might have to do some extra work again," Alejandro sighed.

"Why? What's the occasion?" Kairi asked.

"My parents want to see you."

« »

well that was anti-climatic and very dramatic

short chapter and it's unedited

I need names for Alejandro's parents ASAP

there might be very slow updates coming up because there are TWO hurricanes heading for my state and I'm preparing for flooding

I hope you enjoyed! <3

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