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some of ya'll about to be real mad at me...


@freshleyfucked is Melanny and she'll be introduced in further chapters as well

who else wants to be in the book? message me in my inbox luvs

Author's POV

The next night, Kairi and Maiya snuck into the weapons room, carrying guns and knives to the cells and dispersing the materials to the prisoners. Taylor notified them that she would pull up at noon with a bunch of cars the following day.

Kairi was buzzing with excitement and adrenaline. This was the craziest stunt he was about to pull off.

They planned on attacking the guards at lunch and the prisoners would free themselves. Then, half of the prisoners would climb into the vents and attack multiple rooms, causing various distractions to confuse the guards. The other half will work on freeing Alejandro and taking down as many security guards as they can.

After that, they would meet up by the entrance and escape.

It sounded so simple but the mission was ride or die. Kairi hoped that they would succeed. That night, Maiya slept in his room on the floor with a mattress. Kairi lay awake, staring at his ceiling as his mind clouded with doubt.

What if something goes wrong?

What if they outnumber us?

Kairi shoook his head and glimpsed at his clock.

3:16 am

"I should probably go to sleep," He muttered and burrowed into the blanket.

But no matter how hard he tried, Kairi couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned with frustration. It was as if his gut was warning him not to sleep, as if something was about to go wrong. Kairi marched into his bathroom and downed one sleeping pill.

Kairi soon fell asleep and then Maiya peeked her eye open. 

"Finally," she sighed and crept downstairs. 

Maiya unlocked the door to the basement and walked by Alvaro's cell. Alvaro looked at her with bleary eeys and handed her Kairi's phone. The boys in the cells spent their time passing around Kairi's phone, contacting their loved ones.

"If Kairi finds out about this, we're screwed," Alvaro whispered.

Maiya nodded with wide eyes and she sat down, unlocking Kairi's phone. She immediatley texted Alvaro's brother, Gianmarco. Surprisingly, the boy was also awake that this time of the night. Her face lit up and she surpressed a happy giggle, smiling widely at the screen.

They talked for about 20 minutes before Maiya got sleepy. She turned off Kairi's phone and slipped it back between the bars of the cell. Alejandro rolled his eyes and tucked the phone behind him, right next to his rifle. 

Maiya fled back into Kairi's room where Kairi sat up on his bed, eyes narrowed and arms crossed.

"What were you doing out there?" he asked.

"I was going over our plan with the boys again, just to make sure," Maiya replied smoothly.

"Ok then, I'll ask Robert if this is true tomorrow," Kairi said, his voice laced with suspicion.

Kairi went back to sleep and Maiya let out a sigh of relief. Kairi would definitely freak out if he knew that she was talking with his best friend's brother. She then slipped into slumber. Everyone needed enough sleep to be energized for the breakout.

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