The Audition

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           Carl had never been a believer in love at first sight. Until he saw her. As he prepared for his audition as host for CNN10, he sat in the waiting room. "Carl Azuz...?" He turned to see a pretty intern holding a clipboard  by the door to the audition room. "That's me," my voice calm and steady. There was no need to be nervous. Whatever happened, happened. "You're up." I nodded and got up from my chair. This is it. I followed her into the audition room, which was set up to look almost identical to the real set. As I looked around the room in excitement, my eyes fell onto her. She was a tall, gorgeous camera with a midnight black lens and a stunningly shiny tripod. Immediately, my stomach filled with butterflies and a wave of nausea hit me like a freight train. "Mr. Azuz?!?" The intern stared at me, nervously. At least i'm not the only one nervous. No. Snap out of it. She's just a camera. Keep you eyes on the prize: this job. I nodded a yes to the poor intern as she led me to my seat. I blushed as I realized Camera was standing right in front of me. Her lens shuttered. I-is she winking at me?!? My light blush turned to a deep red. "Mr. Azuz? Could you read the script please," the director asked, giving me a strange look. "Y-yes Sir." I took a deep breath and began reading. It was going by so fast. I'm not going to get it. I'm not different enough. Camera is going to think i'm a loser. Than an idea popped into my head. Right when the interview was almost over, I started doing what I was best at. I started spouting out puns. I kept the puns on topic, but my interviewers looked shocked. And more importantly, Camera looked impressed. "W-well. Very good Mr. Azuz," the interviewer said. I smiled at him, my confidence restored. "Thank you sir." I glanced at Camera, a look of satisfaction and pride on her face. And...was she...blushing? "Come back tomorrow for recall," The lead interviewer said "Yes sir!" I smiled at Camera left the interview room, already excited to see her tomorrow. 

Carl Azuz x CameraOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant